Wednesday, July 27

where is your worth?

i've just been reading jen's blog and she posts about self worth. why is this such a massive issue for so many people. so many people worry about what others think of them whilst also not knowing what to think of themselves. it's also something that takes a lot of courage to be open about. for me, i feel so vulnerable because if people actually knew who i was then they might reject me. and it is sooooo hard to trust God when he tells us how amazing we are - that he rejoices over us with singing.

this is a quote from jen's post which i found really affirming:

"I shouldn't invest in what I do, I should invest in who I am. that is the thing of value god gave me: myself. it is worth time, care, nurture and investment."

we hope you can come...

Monday, July 11


on being a global citizen...

i feel challenged at the moment in terms of being a global citizen and my responsibility to love my global neighbours as i love myself. dan austin was hanging out with us over the lasty couple of days and really opened my eyes to the '4 wheel' culture we live in. this sounds odd cos i am quite aware of how evil cars are! i try to use mine as little as possible but maybe i don't pursue this action far enough - dan was talking about moving towards a '2 wheel' culture. i have a bike but i never use it. maybe because it means bringing it down from the shed which is all of 20 metres, or maybe beacuse sheffield is so hilly and today it's because it's so hot.

then there's the pressure the make poverty history campaign has been putting on world leaders and it is good to see that they have acted at the G* in favour of the poor but they have done only the bare minimum.

and then there's the convenience of our lifestyles in this country. i shock myself with the excuses i can come up with to explain away my actions - for example, on principal i try not to buy tesco brand products when i shop at tesco. sometimes there is no alternative brand so i buy tesco. i realise that i am further down the road of ethical consumerism than many but i am so far behind loads of people who count the cost of their consumer choices and choose to pay the price for going without certain items or paying more money because it actually is the only way trade can be fair at the mmoment is by poaying mor for fairly traded good.

today i read about recent uncoverings to do with wal mart (asda in the uk). and asda aren't the only baddies. we can make choices that don't abuse our global neighbours. we can act to bring world change to big issues. but it is so easy to be brought down by the voices of cynicism and hopelessness who believe we can never make a difference. i believe we can make a difference. Jesus showed us that and he is placing people on the earth in our time to show us that too.