But I've suddenly got excited about blogging again as a result of Sandra Dodd coming to stay. Much has changed since I last blogged - a huge re-thinking of faith has been taken place and we've continued on our home ed journey with our boys who are now 5 and 6.
Sandra asked me about a plant I'm growing in a pot in the garden. I explained that it was a seed / stone from a fruit that came in our delivered organic fruit box and I planted it to see what might happen. Sandra has the most wonderful curiosity for learning and knowledge and set about asking one of the groups she's in if they recognised it.
The reason the leaves are so battered is due to a huge hail storm we had in may this year. The hailstones were the size of Maltesers and ripped through much of the garden! Other than that, this little tree has survived two harsh winters and seems relatively happy in our South-facing garden.
There have been various suggestions from avocado (I know it isn't that - it was definitely a sweet fruit), Paw Paw (but that has lots of small seeds and this was a singular seed / stone), Guava (again the seeds are not right but i don't think I've ever eaten Guava either!), and then Loquat which triggers the most memory so far. I feel I need to eat one to get the smell and flavour of it to help with my recollection too!
I think I'll also ask Beanies who deliver our veg and fruit if they remember popping Loquats in the box 2 or 3 years ago - their memory might be better than mine!!