Thursday, November 14

(bea)I am intrigued as to why i can't fathom this template business! i really want the right hand side of this blog to be uniform i.e. all white and blue/purple. also i'd like the fonts the same but i really am not succeeding. if anyone reads this rambling and could offer a solution or would like to talk me through it that would be greatly appreciated.

sheffield is dreary and damp at the moment - i would even go as far as to say that the air is moist but i know so many people who hate the word 'moist'! andy and i got the tram to work this morning - i still get excited when i use the trams! the trams are good as well because there are always enough free newspapers to go round unlike on the buses where they only provide about 5 and these tend to get trampled under foot somehow (but only when it is raining!)

i really like

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