bea and i have just got back from nottingham an hour or so ago, and the interview went fairly well. the 2 people interviewing me were both lovely but didnt give much away, although were very positive about what i could do if i werent to get the job (i dont think it was a subtle hint but we shall see) in terms of freelance work etc. we also got to meet up with my contact/ friend in the studio, nuala, and her boyfriend/ fiancee warwick who said himself that they're looking for people to do freelance work aswell, so all in all fairly promising looking. wont actually hear for a couple of weeks i think...
and of course tomorrow is the 4 film day, looking to be about schmidt, chicago, the good girl (?) and lastly 8 mile (coming highly recommended by all who've seen it (in england that is - nathan!))
i also learnt a valuable lesson last night at the devonshire cat - the wierd beers are not neccesarily the best ones - i started with timmermans greuze (sp?) a belgian lambic beer that was virtually cider, then a wierd beer, apparently being the strongest beer in the world called semiclaus, that is brewed on one day a year, and comes in at a cough mixture like 14% alcohol content!! - odd, a novelty, but not to be done again - more like port than beer! and then there was the red rudolph at £1 a pint that tasted like all those thin bubbly beers you get at the camra beer festivals. again, odd, and not worth repeating in a hurry. sensible people stuck to the german lagers, belgian trappist ales, i.p.a.'s and porters and i think enjoyed them a lot more than i did. we all learn dont we (?).
dan cooper also found out that there are various tours round belgiam going to all the brewery monastaries like chimay. the first drink he had was from a monastry that brewed their beer in silence and didnt allow women into it!!
the dunkel dark lager rob and i made should be ready for bottling this weekend...
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