Sunday, April 20

just returned from an amazing service of communion and bringing in the light up at st tom's crookes. fantastic - much better than i remembered from the last time i went. make plans to go next year if you were unable to this year. it really helped being a bit more of a night owl than usual due to the weird aftermath of jetlag!

also went to great bbq today - ofcourse, typically english: crap weather, under-done or over-done food (in this case it was actually perfect but we'll stick with my definition anyway!), and optimistic english people trying to bear the elements in summer clothing. we actually did very well and the couple who's house we were at - dave and sue's - were really hospitable so we'll be goin there again!!

last but not least, H A P P Y E A S T E R ! ! ! ! ! dance at the feet of the risen Lord in admiration and praise, knowing that you are planted in the mountain of his inheritance!!

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