Friday, July 25

i have decided that one of the most satisfying things to do after having an exciting, swift moving poo expulsion, is to clean out your ears with a cotton bud/Q tip. i only noticed this today - the poo thing i have known for a long time and as many of you know, i am very proud of my poos - i think we all should be.

God is good - yesterday i understood oswald chambers for the first time ever. i didn't understand the bible translation he used but i understood most of what he had to say and boy was it challenging and inspirational. We also saw some wonderful provision yesterday and He is really starting to provide in terms of wabiSABI accommodation too.

i am still struggling with my lack of taskorientation but i'll get there.

it is raining and andy and i were hoping to go camping tonight but at this rate we'll be hard pushed to get out the front door!

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