Monday, June 7

reflections upon mr wilkins' reflections

have just read the post si put up about the world war and people dying and has got me thinking again about being a dad (clever link to the other post i put up...).
i kinda said about it on the weekend away i had with dan, lol etc where we went away to play axis & allies, a historically based board game about world war 2. the way you play it was just amassing huge armies and then throwing them into war against each other. and it all seemed so blazé (sp?) the way it happens and when i actually thought about what that would have looked like on a small scale, with hundreds of thousands of people dying, it suddenly got a bit more scary. but i guess that's what it was like. generals pushing around counters, sending thousands to the death. reminds me a lot of various scenes in "blackadder goes forth"... "the pianist" too.
but anyway. me being a dad.
the realization that all those people dying are all somebody's children. i mean bea's still only pregnant, but the time, effort, energy, expense in that alone is staggering. add to that 20 years of raising a kid up, investing everything you have into them, protecting them, teaching them, loving and supporting them. everything you are going into who they are and for them to then just die so easily and so seemingly pointlessly is just unbelievable.
this might be sounding all a bit odd and "doesnt it put it all into perspective" or whatever, but this is where being a dad is really starting to hit home for me - the value of another persons life.
knowing that they are loved.
how much you'll give to another person.

so there we are - its been a long time in the waiting but theres a post about one of the (slightly more serious than facial hair) ways i'm responding to becoming a dad.

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