i have now got over my mastitis but i am still very weary - i feel ncredibly tired and weak which worsens as the day progresses. despite my physical tiredness i am coping with a newborn considerably well - i love being a mummy! i get pretty emotional still but i am finding homeopathy very effective in all the situations i find myself in. i keep reminding myself that i am not only getting over a pregnancy, labour and birth but also a bout of being really poorly - temperature of 102 and a night of being delirious!
robin is amazing. i love him so much and it's amazing then to start to understand that the amount i love robin is only a glimpse of how much God loves me. it is thew most profound revelation and i think it's fantastic.
robin hasn't got a pattern but that's ok - he's only little and most of all i want him to know that he is safe and loved and not on his own. i am mostly a milk machine and i can spurt milk a long way - about 50com probably!! i find that robin tends to get most of the spray over his face and hair before i realise what's going on!!
he's getting bigger - tomorrow he gets weighed by the health visitor (please pray for grace cos i find her very hard work!) so we'll let you know how he's doing. i think he's having a growth spurt - last night he fed every two hours for half an hour each time - exhausting.
today my friend zoe came round with her baby boy called tate. weirdly he looks very like robin - we all find it quite bizarre! we were talking about all the things that the ante-natal classes don't prepare you for - how tired you'll be (even without illness) was the main thing! we also talked quite a bit about the fact that we weren't prepared for how many of the births within our group would have complications. only zoe, coralie and i had totally straight forward births - out of 8 women there were 3 c-sections, one major hemorrage, and one forceps delivery. i think we would have liked to have been more prepared for this.
regarding my birth story - i think i'll write it up and somehow andy can post it as a file or a link or something so you can read it if you want to. the whole thing was amazing - apart from the bit when i felt like my clitoris was being ripped off!
so anyway, robin is now asleep having been awake from 12.30pm to 7pm. i hope he'll sleep until a 10pm feed and then have a good night. we're off to the cranial osteopath tomorrow to have a follow-up appointment - i've just read abook called 'osteopathy for children' which was fascinating.
sorry for the long post - they will probably be few and far between for a while!!
lots and lots of love to heather and scotty and their growing family. congratulations on the safe delivery of asa (can we have some help on how to pronounce it). may the peace of christ be ruling your hearts and your house!
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