well - its been a very long time since my last post, in which i said the same thing - a month ago or so...
anyway. what is there?

the job at the home office is going well enough - it started up a bit dull and depressing, but i'm kinda getting into it now. i went for an interview for whats essentially the job i'm already doing, but employed by the home office itself and not thru an agency. whilst it means i wont get a pay rise, i do get all the benefits of being a civil servant! these include half a day off to do your Christmas shopping amongst other random holidays and days off and the above mentioned pension scheme (which is itself a quote from which (cult?) TV programme, anyone?), and of course the options of climbing the ladder, ousting D Blunkett himself.
the red tape however slows everything down - whilst i have passed the interview stage, it would appear a certain employer of mine is being difficult when it comes to references, and so has thrown the proverbial spanner in the works. in the mean time, i've already been trained up to do the next job up on the ladder, an Admin Officer, aka case worker. this also includes a pay rise!
other things.

still finding things pretty difficult - not as hard as they were a few weeks ago, but still finding it hard to spend much quality time with him i guess. he's definitely moe easy going than he was (except his current "i dont want nobody but my mummy" phase).
he's smiling and giggling lots more, responding to me more, and is generally more laid back at nights.
not that he's forgotten how to raise hell and give me a ringing ear when he feels the need... and he does a good impression of an insomniac, managing to fight off sleep at all possible opportunities.

have finally got round to upgrading my mp3 player. whilst the round-the-neck thing was good, working 8 hour shifts means i get through the songs a bit too easily, so i've gone for a full on 20GB player. texan friends will no doubt notice i'm not buying the whole apple thing, still continually unimpressed with them, i've gone for the new
creative zen touch.
obviously the fact its only 20GB is an easy shot to take for iPod fans, but who on earth has 10 000 songs - i checked my hard drive and theres 2443 songs on there, and that having spent weeks dumping everything i could possibly find on there.
on the flip side, it does have a 24hr battery life, significantly more useful than the iPods 8-12 hr.
plus its cheaper.
and i reckon it looks nicer anyway.
rant over.
but on a vaguely related theme...

have recently discovered the wonders of
gillian welch.
not much to say other than it has brightened up my days at the home office no end. truely beautiful music.
have also been getting back into quite a bit of ryan adams recently too, having found loads of odd live stuff on the internet, including a version of "come pick me up" thats got a distinctly slow/ tired/ stoned feel to it...

had a good time last night "out on the lash" as she put it. robins on the alcohol milk (mook? mooch?!) as a result.
in fact bea and i are doing quite well at the mo i think. we're both pretty tired and wiped out most of the time, and rarely get much time together, but things are going alright.
not sure theres anything else that comes to mind.
seeya in a month or so, hopefully less.