Sunday, October 3

today is sick day!

sorry no blogs for a while - robin keeps us very busy and when he sleeps the internet is not a priority when there is washing to do and all manner of other things.

andy has just done a few cool poster designs for a conference called FEM 04. the poster that another guy had done for this Kat (the organiser) was horrendous. eek!

andy has also talked recently of re-designing our blog. it would be good i think - there are a couple of fun pictures we took of each other on our anniversary which i'd like to see replace the ones of us at the top of the page currently. i don't know what his ideas are though for the re-design.

i'm cooking roast lamb for tea tonight but can't find anyone yet who wants to come for tea - everyone wants to be at church instead.

hope you are all well.

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