Thursday, March 17

thank you

for an amazing birthday. anybody who was involved in being there, keeping secrets, seeing me, eating with me, singing to me, emailing me, texting me and any other things you did, THEN thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!

it was the most fabulous of days with a treasure hunt to find all y presents, 2 different versions of yhappy birthday sung down the phone to me and 2 different groups of people sang happy birthday to me. there was a surprise brunch which was attended by around 10 friends (i am told it would have been many more if people didn't have to work!). i had 4 birthday cakes and only one i made myself! then to the mashouse for dinner - a lovely english restaurant that recently opened in sheffield and after that there was a surprise game of 'settlers of catan' which andy and robin bought me for my birthday. it is a super game.

tomorrow, robin and i are off to london to stay with shannon and then on to brighton next week to stay with lucy (old school friend who was my bridesmaid). can't wait although am a little terrified of navigating london with a baby and also being away for so long with robin and no andy!

we've got to find new web space to blog at but hopefully we'll get some pictures up of my b'day soon!

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