Thursday, October 26

bees in our attic

somewhere in our attic is a bee's nest. we thought it was a wasp's nest until i got stung today by a bee lurking on the computer mouse. andy thinks it was a been cos it left part of it's body behind which he thinks wasp's don't. if we could find the bee's nest it would be quite a bonus because the critters look like honey bees so there would be womderful honey and wonderful beeswax. however, our attic resembles a junk shop so finding the nest could be difficult! anyway, i got stung, my hand went into paralysis, i screamed and screamed with proper tears until andy returned and got the sting out. i did try doing it myself but my other hand was shaking so much i couldn't use the tweezers properly (have since found out you should scrape a sting out, not pull it due to the barbs on the sting).

if people coul dcomment on my posts that would be great - words of affirmation are very important to me and my sense of well-being!


Pete said...

I got stung by a wasp a couple of weeks ago when I was posting. Little fuckers were everywhere, dyin' and shit. Anyway, I panicked for a second (whilst whining like a baby) and I thought I was gonna go all Macauley Culkin from that film where dies. But I didn't.

Also, I got a splinter the other week at Felicity's party. That hurt, but my good friends, in a wonderful joint effort, plucked it out for me. Whilst I whined.

jen mickelborough said...

yo bea you rock. I love comments too, and don't get many but have discovered I have many many 'ghost' readers on my blog so be encouraged that you have secret watchers spying you out from all over the world! love you girl, jen x