Wednesday, October 11

the legendary "W" party

perhaps starting on too high a note, i plan to present to the more discerning readers of the blog, a series of highlights from the by-gone years of sheffields burgeoning social life way back when none of us had kids, or (for the most part) were even married.

(click the photo!)

more to come - watch this space!!


Pete said...

God, I remember that party, it was so cool. I was Mr White from Reservoir Dogs.

Anonymous said...

(Just sitting here with a little tear in my eye) Thanks for reminding me of the fun we used to have, I had forgotton, we rocked. Do you remember Andy W???!!! He was GREEN!

andy said...

i think that was about the same time the photo was taken, maybe a little after.
the cocktail bar with my and addy hudd, spending an hour making a stream of cocktails, one cup for us, one for andy w and one for a passer-by...

so many memories!!
what a night!!
a true legend of olde.

Anonymous said...

OMG! What a night that was. Were we ever that young?

andy said...

yep - i didnt even have a beard!

Nick said...

At last, Marshall's national (well, Sheffield) archive of photos goes onto the web! Excellent.

I'd just like to say, I still look that young.

Pete said...

God, Weir was really fucked wasn't he? I forgot about that. Hehe. Good times.

Pete said...

I've nabbed that photo of me and stuck it on me myspace. Cheers

Anonymous said...

I'm at a loss, can't see a picture of Nick at the party to look young?

dan said...

yeah, i can't see any nick in any of those photos. and i always thought it was me that got one of each of the cocktails? maybe i was just always the passer by who got the third cup.
by the way, kate, could you remind me of what's appropriate?...

Anonymous said...

Stop touching my thigh Dan.
btw Andy Marshall, how have you transferred ye old style photos onto the screen? Because I have quite a few of the slot night which might be a little but hilarious.

andy said...

"by the way, kate, could you remind me of what's appropriate?..."

that was hilarious!!!

photos transferred using a scanner - i have some photos of your joint birthday slot night too, but maybe not the same ones as you - there's one of you and your dad, and ones of me, you and dan aka "old macdonald, had some cats...."

Nick said...

I didn't go to that party, I was in Bali. I was merely making the unsubstantiated claim to look young.
I also have good photos of the joint birthday party. Pete looking like a thin rockstar.

zacandsarah said...

horray for the Wombles!

Anonymous said...

Ah the ego remains though the looks have faded.
Andy I had Totally forgotton Old MacDonald had cats, the fear is coming back to me now.

andy said...

those cats had some unusual relations and habits did they not....
be afraid


Pete said...

This is a comment from Paul Bunton:

Hamilton says my leather jacket that Weir spewed all over was last seen behind her fridge. I want it back. Who has it now?


AndyW said...

strangely enough my memories of that evening are a little sketchy.

not my proudest moment

Anonymous said...

Well unless Rachel kept it as a souvenir it's prob stil down the back of the fridge at 38 Bute St.Might be worth asking Rachel though, she was fond of you...

andy said...

@andy - so you dont remember zac having to literally drag you home and wait outside our house for half an hour looking for the house key that was on a piece of string around your neck?!

Joy French said...

Happy memories!
We turned up late, (We were old and married by then) and brought in the new year smoking cigars in the yard with Wayne and Waynetta (well not me, was with child...but the rest of them did.) Clynt was green from then on. I will send Robinsons a link, Were those hairstyles really fashionable???