Tuesday, February 27

like a kid in a sweet store

today debbie took me to a shop called tait and style which is just up the hill from where they live in stromness. it is amazing and i couldn't help myself but buy lots of goodies - loads of cheap samples and yarn and ooh lovely things. being around debbie makes me feel so creative! she is such an inspiration.

also this morning we started making a mock-up of one of my designs. debbie is teaching me how to mark out, pin and cut a pattern on fabric and then we'll move onto sewing. i'll keep you updated.

it is peeing it down today - crazy rain but quite exciting too!


Naomi said...

Hello, do you remeber me, its Naomi, I went to Cheltenham uni, and weirdly stumbled onto your blog... Its lovely to read a bit about you now you are married with children.
God bless x

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are having such a wonderful time! I'm very excited about your sewing (I got your text but have no credit to reply), perhaps you can make my wedding dress...