Wednesday, September 5

the tall skinny on getting the bible Wright

Andrew Jones has posted a very interesting article to his blog as a response to a provocative blog post by Pyromaniacs against emerging church and other movements that threaten the Fundamentalist claim to supreme power and a uniquely correct view of Scripture. Andrew's post is great and, although i got lost a bit in the middle, it throws out some interesting challenges and responses.

Interestingly, the words that hit me most (sorry Andrew!) were in the comments at the end. The commenter goes by the name of Art and puts something that i sometimes struggle to articulate in a very simple way:

"the Bible is primarily about Jesus and his rescue mission to the world and not "how we can go to heaven when we die"

This is something I have been thinking about for a few months now, ever since we started studying a book at church called "satanist mountain" by Ched Myers. Ooops, sorry, that should read, "SAY TO THIS mountain" by Ched Myers!!! Anyway, it's all part of the journey God has me on at the moment and this all feeds into what we've been working through re. church and everything really!! I will blog more, but for now I recommend you go read the tall skinny...

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