Monday, May 28

Water fights and the economics of exchange

We bought summer hats and water pistols. We'd been home 10 minutes when one of the water pistols broke! So off we trot back to the supermarket to exchange it.

Customer service was excellent. As we walked out of the store Jos asked why we didn't have to pay. I explained that we had exchanged the good one for the broken one so we didn't need to pay. He exclaimed to his brother, "wow Peep, we get this one for free!".

So we ended up discussing the costs to the supermarket is their product breaks or doesn't fit its description. That we hadn't got it for free but without money physically changing hands the store had given us back the money for the broken gun so we could buy another one.

The second gun lasted 20 minutes. Jos is stronger than he realises and the pump action is as strong as the cheap price would indicate!

I think we'd better start collecting empty washing up bottles if water fights are to be a success this summer!

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