Tuesday, December 24

hello and a HAPPY CHRISTMAS to all of you!

so, i received an email which i do not know to be true or not but i don't see any harm in people praying for the war situation. so, here for you to practise your skills of discernment is the email:

Dec 16, 2002

We have received a very important and strategic communication from Pastor
Ted Haggard of the World Prayer Center, Colorado Springs. Let the
intercessors of Europe join in with this urgent prayer request!

From Pastor Ted Haggard:

Last week the spirit of the Lord woke me in the middle of the night and
powerfully spoke to me. He told me that if we could mobilize 1,000,000
intercessors to pray for Saddam Hussein, that he would leave Iraq, thus
avoiding the need for a war. After He spoke to me, I saw a series of visions
of people suffering because of the horrors of war. Then I realized that God
had a plan that He was going to fulfill one way or another, but that His
greatest desire would be to remove Saddam without the suffering of so many.

I have shared this with Peter Wagner, Chuck Pierce, the International
Coalition of Apostles, and briefly on Daystar network, and felt prompted
this morning while praying at the World Prayer Center to write to you about
it. My heart is burning within me about this, because we have the ability to
simply have Saddam leave Iraq like so many other dictators have left their
countries thus opening the door for freedom without a war. I think, though,
that we only have until the end of December to rally the troops to pray.

Please join us in praying, and alert as many intercessors as you can, so
that we can play our part in raising these 1,000,000 intercessors to cry out
to God for war to be averted.

enjoy the festive season - i hope it is stress-free, or at least full of HIS peace to get you through it! that's what i'm relying on anyway!!

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