Tuesday, December 10

hi folks

how is everyone. WE HAVE A LOUNGE!! yipee, it is amazing. in stead of just cleaning it we actually decided to strip all the walls and take up the carpet. we discovered that we have really lovely floorboards underneath so this was a wonderful surprise. the look is very mexican/french farmhouse.

as andy has told you, we had a great weekend - on friday we went to the most absorbent christmas party ever at the commune which rocked. i got tired quickly - why break the habit of a lifetime - but andy stayed on and took some great photos which he's trying to sort out for all of you lovely people to see.

God has been talking to me a lot about repentance and unforgiveness these last couple of days - building on the lessons about reaping what you sow. ha ha - he used mike breen on sunday to make me realise that often 'issues' or 'struggles' with individuals are just unforgiveness... and then he started putting me in situations where i had to put it into practise! there is real freedom in forgiving, particularly when you never realised that your unforgiveness was actually being a major block to loads of stuff in your life.

nathan was asking about some quirky facts that i put up on the blog some time ago. here is another little taster of these weird goings on for you to be amazed by!

Absolutely the Least Substantial Reason for a Knife Fight: Police in Mansfield Township and Hackettstown, N.J., charged Emmanuel Nieves, 23, with aggravated assault on Nov. 13 after he allegedly slashed the face of his friend Erik Saporito, 21, as the two men fought after arguing over which one has more hair on his buttocks.

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