fight club tonight - 7.30pm at 3 freedom road, BIG tv!!
and in response to matt p's picture, that would be gareth and lizzies old kitchen in crookes (and joy and clints before that). not sure on the event though...
Onwards and upwards Marshall family! A family of four exploring how to live in a way that keeps making choices towards joy, peace and connection. Not always getting it right but changing the world one small choice at a time :)
fight club tonight - 7.30pm at 3 freedom road, BIG tv!!
and in response to matt p's picture, that would be gareth and lizzies old kitchen in crookes (and joy and clints before that). not sure on the event though...
i've just had quite an odd experience - i was down to do some practice exam scribing for someone so they know what sort of thing to expect when it comes to the actual exam and it was kinda left to me to explain the procedure, what'll happen. it was as if i was expected to use my experience of something to explain things to someone, as though i was part of the student services team - it was really wierd - is this proffesional responsability?! it feels strange.... not entirely bad but also quite scary too.... what if i got something wrong?...!
on a lighter note, we had an excellent night at abigails last night - bea thinks i should be an actor as i like getting into role at these sort of things. no chance of that. anyway, photos to follow soon enough. and some very good performances by people, although i'm not sure dan&jason have done their "hugsforsale" business much good.
just need to go and write my intro speech for fight club tomorrow .
i've just had quite an odd experience - i was down to do some practice exam scribing for someone so they know what sort of thing to expect when it comes to the actual exam and it was kinda left to me to explain the procedure, what'll happen. it was as if i was expected to use my experience of something to explain things to someone, as though i was part of the student services team - it was really wierd - is this proffesional responsability?! it feels strange.... not entirely bad but also quite scary too.... what if i got something wrong?...!
on a lighter note, we had an excellent night at abigails last night - bea thinks i should be an actor as i like getting into role at these sort of things. no chance of that. anyway, photos to follow soon enough. and some very good performances by people, although i'm not sure dan&jason have done their "hugsforsale" business much good.
just need to go and write my intro speech for fight club tomorrow .
kinda excited - i bought my first set of guitar strings in a couple of years today with the intention of putting them on today. really do need to get back into guitar again - lost a lot of excitement about it since recording the album. been slowly getting back into it since being in texas and surrounded by all the music out there. god bless CMT
popped in to see andy mitchell at work but he wasnt in - still travelling back from aberdeen, so popped in and had a quick chat with rach at the showroom - quite nice to be in there when its quiet, unlike friday night.
anything else happening?...... not really
i hate to go on about it, but i'm getting really excited now...
anyway, a photo of robbie sitting in an inflated inner tube with a bottle of (i think) goose island ale in his hand:
i'm gonna be sooooo gutted if its not good weather when we go out.
anyway, to cheer my up this morning, my valentines day present arrived!
all the way from mexico (via london) comes a big bag of pozole (whole dried corn kernals), a bottle of chipotle chili ketchup, and a bag of "heaven facing chilies".
more available from the cool chili co:
a massive thank you to my lovely wife bea!!
we watched an amazing film last night - "life as a house" - i am going to request if i can present it for a friday night movie.
we watched an amazing film last night - "life as a house" - i am going to request if i can present it for a friday night movie.
but some of the highlights:
- delphi became very popular and well visited, being home to the famous oracle of the god apollo (sounding kinda similar top a fortune teller/ psychic). apollo also shared the space with (i think the goddess) dionysus
- before apollo took up residence there, it was home to either gaia (the earth goddess) or themis (another primordial goddess).
- the temple in delphi was plundered/ destroyed/ set on fire 6 times!
- delphi(s) is the greek word for dolphin, which itself comes from the greek word for womb (a dolphin being a mammal), and so delphi was also considered the centre of the world
- they held regular athletic events every 4 years
just thought it'd be interesting to find the historical background of the name philadelphia - i'm not sure how much we'd want to be wanting to read into it though, prophetically speaking that is - not sure mike will be getting much from it....
I dream of breaking through that seemingly impossible barrier between Christ in me and all that is around me ... wouldn't it be nice if all the world were a beach boys song. Wouldn't it be nice if I could hug the pain out of people. If I could I would squeeze so hard. Wouldn't it be nice if I could scrub the ugliness and selfishness off of myself, my friends, my society. I would scour and scratch till we bleed. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all break into song while waiting in line at H-E-B, I would be so light on my feet and a beautiful barritone boy would wisk me into his arms while we light up the aisles. Wouldn't it be nice if we could will away the pain and emptiness in our guts that keeps us up at night and alters our diets and plunges us toward deep deepening depressive dreams of grey hazy nights in a gloomy grimy city where the dogs are dipped in disposed of drinks and their eyes invite and threaten you all at once ... where televisions glow in all the alley windows and children lie in dirty beds ... where you can't remember who you are or if you are alive at all, but you watch as danger skids through in sedans. In that place you can strip nude and no one cares, you can be tall or short or fat and you can sleep around, no one seems to notice, you can travel in damp tunnels and store your things in broken mirrored medicine cabinets. But where are you then? Is it home? Is it a place to visit? I don't enjoy my visits there, whatever the case, I awake and wonder why no one noticed the dirt and danger, why didn't anyone notice me?
the car quote has come through for our little accident on thursday evening and it is a little more than all those involved expected. the guy who was involved is called ed and it would be a good idea if you could all pray for him and his finances and all that as he would prefer not to go through insurance. he has a very lovely audi.
mike spoke last night about money and vision and it was so releasing, followed by drinks at the florist on walkly lane (i think) which was so exciting - in terms of activity in walkley and the kingdom coming down the hill from crookes. mike suggested that Christian shouldn't use the word 'afford' cos that suggests that you're the one in control of your money, and anyway, it's not your money at the end of the day is it?!
God is really doing fantastic things in marriage and adny and i feel really united at the moment and it's like we're moving into this phase where we're being pulled together after feeling held apart for ages. keep praying for us in this cos marriage is still really hard and i don't want to see the ground that's been taken being snatched away again.
just in case some of you wondered came over me. i'd actually heard it was something to do with an american root beer, but nevermind...
its friday - the weekend is here - lots of time for chilling out, seeing friends, doing nothing. errrr.... oh dear.
no, it should be good.
wish i was at jens sunday lunch though.
which also means lots more photos to go on our website.
which funnily enough reminds me - new photo album up and running.
and here are some photos:
see - not that long to get it going...
we are now at the top of the floggie bloggie list on matt parkin's site!
ha ha ha - world domination will be mine...
joy marriot has an interview for a general medicine job at 4pm today. please pray for her!
back to the envelopes now...
i just saw mr weir here at shu and he was looking very well. i think we should all pray for the weirs right now as they are so little and lovely and they are in the first few months of marriage and from where i stand it can be a very scary place!
i see in the news that headlines are being grabbed by threats of english suicide bombers and we are being warned not to go into financial or governmental buildings, which is peculiar seeing as often, suicide bombs are in cafes or buses or normal shops hmmmm...
personal mention here to matt parkins who is desperate for a flogging between 12 and 4pm - help him out some of you!
Ethel is a bit of a demon in her wheelchair, and loves to charge around
the nursing home, taking corners on one wheel and getting up to maximum
speed on the long corridors. Because she and her fellow residents are all
one sandwich short of a picnic, they all tolerate each other, and some of
the men actually join in.
One day, Ethel was speeding up one corridor when a door opened and Mad
Mike stepped out of his room with his arm outstretched, "STOP! He said in a
firm voice:
"Have you got a license for that thing?". Ethel fished around in her
handbag and pulled out a Kit Kat wrapper and held it up to him.
"OK" he said, and away Ethel sped down the hall.
As she took the corner near the TV lounge on one wheel, Weird William
popped out in front of her and shouted, "STOP!", Have you got proof of
Ethel dug into her handbag, pulled out a beer coaster and held it up to
him. William nodded and said, "Carry on, ma'am."
As Ethel neared the final corridor before the front door, Bonkers Brian
stepped out in front of her, stark naked, holding a very sizeable (for
age) erection in his hand. "Oh, no!" said Ethel, "Not that darn
breathalyser again!"
by the way - discipline brings freedom - ha ha!
new years day champagne breakfast:
oh yes - seeing as it takes ages to go down the page to get to the next page, and i've got no way of adding in any other form of navigation (it being a lycos hosted site), i'm gonna set up a new photo album for the new year, so its all more managable.
and cause its a new year.
and on a slightly different note... tonight's the night.... (mysterious tension mounting)
flip - this is some boring stuff i talk about on the blog.
oh yes - last nights film night - the thin red line - i'd seen it a few times before but after dans introduction i saw it a whole new light - totally amazing. also kinda scary watching it a week or so before WW3 might start! more on that later...
and something else i'd been meaning to put up, after last mondays teaching on rhythms of life etc, i'd been thinking about some stuff mike had mentioned - just before then, i'd heard it said that mike was bringing back all the young adults cause he felt there was too much diversity going on at the expense of unity. and then i was like, "too much diversity?! this is nothing - we're barely any more diverse then we were 3 years ago - we've got a long way to go yet!" and then thinking that if diversity and unity are on a continuum like work and rest are, or discipline and freedom (in that you cant have one without the other), then we need to have a unity step so that we can grow further in the diversity step next time. that we cant just go diverse, diverse, diverse, diverse etc until we're nice and varied and still hope to have any unity left in us, but that as we take a step towards unity, then we are then able to make an even bigger step towards diversity again, then a swing towards unity, then diversity and so on, each time growing more so.
pretty much like being on a park swing in other words - you dont just go straight up - you need to swing back and forth, gradually swinging higher and further each time. same idea.
also, check out the rose princess aka cathers at her new blog!! the community is growing!
in fact, here are some snapshots from these: (click on the pic to go there)
ps - these are not up to date completely though - you'll have to wait a little longer for that, but i am on it.
coming soon: christmas at fawley, cathers birthday, new years eve and others...
good: i found my lovely snowboarding mittens i thought i'd lost
bad: i didnt get the job as a miniature painter at games workshop
(the attatched good news: they were however quite positive about different kinds of freelance work i could do with them)
we need to pray for the americans because shannon was saying that there is noone she knows who doesn't directly know someone who has been called up for the war.
for those of you who don't log in regularly to thethingaboutit blog i am inviting everyone round for brunch at our house on saturday at 11am. please bring food as i have no idea how many people will come and it sounds like it could get expensive. bacon, eggs, bread, baps, croissants, milk etc.
not much else happening though.
tried updating the photo gallery and was doing well, then just before it got published, this network message kept on coming up saying that i could do it anymore or something else i didnt understand. flippin' annoying!!
we had such a busy weekend and managed to eat all our meals at other people's houses! this week i will have my first proper delivery of organic veg which is very exciting - lots of fresh and seasonal veg.
although today has been very intense so far, i did really enjoy a 2 hour seminar that i was in. the students had to do a little test and i am going to put a couple of the questions up for you:
1. A child was run over in the street. His father went with him to the hospital in the ambulance. He was rushed to the operating theatre but once there, the surgeon looked down and said
I cannot operate on this child - he is my son."
2. 645 people are employed in the Royal Household. How many people with a skin colour other than white work in Buckingham Palace?
by 2pm today i had drunk a litre and a half of water - this is quite astounding because by the time i leave for home at the end of the day i will have drunk a further 0.75litre of water and then tonight i expect i will drink further water which means i may actually break my own record of the largest amount of water to drink in a day without excessive heat conditions or partaking in exercise.
last night i slept really well...
on the otherhand, i know completely what he meant about the phrase, "Gods grace isnt in it anymore", which i often feel is one of the biggest cop out excuses that can be given, and something that i know a friend of ours whos now left sheffield found very frustrating with certain "ministaries" etc. i mean, its hardly as if God got to the end of the line and says, "sorry guys, i cant fund/ deal with this anymore - i'm finding it too draining".
anyway. rant over.