what cathers wrote about head and heart was something steve and i (and a few others including jen andrew) kinda got into over the weekend (albeit a little briefly). we're both very much head based, deciding things based on what our head said. there are times when i act on what i feel, and they often make me either feel crap (when it was something i knew i shouldn't've done) or when i really feel like Gods putting something on my heart that my head cant really ignore any longer. i guess my sense of what i know to be true is a lot more reliable for me to live by than what i feel to be true, so theres a tendancy to stick to what i know. but then talking to someone like jen, and you see the opposite of steve and i, someone who makes all their decisions based on her feelings - and thats not something negative for her, in that i'm not saying she just does what she feels like doing, but in that God speaks to her through her feelings.
what am i saying....?
i guess God can talk to you either way, and most ideally both ways - it would be a lot easier if he just did it one way, not i know i'm missing out on a lot if i just do what i know. for example, 100% head leaves little room for faith in God to provide, heal, forgive, and especially love - do i know God loves me? well yeah, in my head i know it, but do i really KNOW it in my heart? not really. there needs to be a connection made somewhere.
something both steve and i said, its very hard to operate out of a feelings place as its somewhere we've never gone before and so are completely inexperienced in and dont trust.
something laurence said a little while ago about the phrase "love is a choice" - he said, "God didnt send his Son to die for us because of his ability to make good decisions". which is something matt touched on i think.
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