the car quote has come through for our little accident on thursday evening and it is a little more than all those involved expected. the guy who was involved is called ed and it would be a good idea if you could all pray for him and his finances and all that as he would prefer not to go through insurance. he has a very lovely audi.
mike spoke last night about money and vision and it was so releasing, followed by drinks at the florist on walkly lane (i think) which was so exciting - in terms of activity in walkley and the kingdom coming down the hill from crookes. mike suggested that Christian shouldn't use the word 'afford' cos that suggests that you're the one in control of your money, and anyway, it's not your money at the end of the day is it?!
God is really doing fantastic things in marriage and adny and i feel really united at the moment and it's like we're moving into this phase where we're being pulled together after feeling held apart for ages. keep praying for us in this cos marriage is still really hard and i don't want to see the ground that's been taken being snatched away again.
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