Friday, June 20

the parting photo as elly left us this morning - we had a brilliant evening - after (a very yummy) lasagne, we went to town and visited whats becoming my favorite pub,the devonshire cat - they now even have chimay white on tap (i was a little disappointed it was the white - why do pubs always have my least favorite ones on tap? - like leffe blonde - you should always have leffe brun and chimay blue when there's the choice...) - and i'm certainly looking forward to dans birthday there next week...

...and then on the way home we got talking to these 2 blokes on the bus who then came back to ours and we stayed up talking till 3am! not done that in a while... please pray for them when you get a chance - they're called joe and sean - especially for joe - for (emotional/ spiritual) protection, clarity and for God to touch him in a way he really knows and recognises, and their girlfriends twinkle and beth (respectively), again for protection where they are.

anyway, i've been increasingly finding i've been having a happier, better and more interesting time in life recently - despite having no money, it just gets better. definitely think there something in this life of faith - trusting God to keep you afloat is pretty scary at times but really exciting as he does. starting to see what andrew and debbie jones were talking about when it comes to seeing things you'd never see when you have enough money of your own to rely on. very good for your spiritual life.

i think theres people out there that know what i mean...

on another one of my walks around town again today - and its really windy outside - looking forward to this lots.

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