Thursday, June 19

taking a design leaf out tall skinny kiwi's blog, (little pic of him there at this years wabi sabi texas, setting up the shotgun revival tent on the friday) i've even managed to set it all up so that each blog has a box round itself, and the writing wraps round any pics that get put up, instead of starting at the bottom - my knowledge of html has certainly been improving in the past couple of weeks since i started learnong dreamweaver/ fireworks.

i s'pose i should once again apologise to everyone who still uses modems to get their net acces, and so has to wait a while for our page to load up - we still use a dial up modem - it took 24 seconds i counted the other day - apparently most people are willing to wait only 20 seconds for a page to load up.

maybe no ones reading this.

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