Monday, November 17

even more photos!

this would of course be a photo of bea/ me at kate's gender bending drag themed birthday party - see more scary photos here

had a very good weekend in all. bea's parents came up to help us put in the skirting board and picture rail in our front room which is looking more like a living room everyday.

the other bit of news, for those who've not heard yet is that bea and i will be expected a baby sometime mid july. bea's obviously over the moon about it and i'm getting more excited by the day.

you can be sure there'll be a series of posts coming up over the coming months about how the thought of being a dad is sinking in. so far i'm already remarkably calm and cool about it all, and NOT freaking out about it (which is what i thought i'd be doing) - God has certainly been doing some impressive stuff with me over the past few months.

there's something for you all to comment on!!

more later.

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