Tuesday, November 11


something about today has made working here just that little bit more depressing than ever - i'm guessing it was 2 incidents - first hearing "when a man loves a woman" playing in the main atrium of hallam uni - not what you'd expect to here - couldn't really hear all the words, but stood round waiting for the end of the song - it was something to do with a graduation do, probably just testing the PA system.

then i just saw somebody talking to his friends and juggling up in the cafe above the atrium, he was vaguely alterntive looking - long dyed hair etc - someone having fun, not trying to look cool all the time - its just not something you ever see here. ever. when did students start getting all this money? mobiles? i always thought students were s'posed to be poor, creative, political activist poets musicians and other arty types. or techy geeks.

not sure why seeing 2 such out of place things has made me so sad - maybe just realising how dull it is here and how much everyone is in the same fashion/ style - i mean is there anyone here who doesnt wear the same clothes as everyone else - does anyone not shop at topman/shop? this place is just sooooo boring. is there any soul to this institution, or is it all about image?

maybe i'm being too judgemental again. dont care too much at the mo. going home.

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