debbie jones and shannon have just been up to stay which was amazing. i was going to head back to london with them for the weekend but my new skills of setting personal boundaries (!) and being sensible about looking after myself meant that i decided to stay put.
on wednesday night i had my baby prayer shower. the english don't do baby showers as a rule but a few girls i know have had prayer showers and this was something that i had wanted to do too. it was amazing - God really showed up and gave some amazing words and blessings and affirmation. it was all girls and i felt saturated by God's love and my friends' love. God had told me to get some henna for body tattoos so everyone chipped in with their design and I have a big tattooed belly now! andy took a couple of pics while the henna was drying so i think they'll go up in the next couple of days.
i am starving all the time the last couple of days. i think the baby must be having a growth spurt - very exciting as i have been told by more than one person that a heavier baby is generally easier to give birth too - but not too heavy!!
i'm now at the stage where i'm uncomfortable a lot of the time - in bed and when sitting down, particularly i the car. i've also started getting up to pee in the night ( a miracle i've lasted this long - some women know they're pregnant because they find themselves peeing all night long!!).
marco is out of the big brother house. this is sad becasue he was a great source of entertainment. i am not yet addicted to BB but well on the way. my excuse is that it gives me quality time hanging out with my next door neighbour because she's the one with the TV license. i also watched wimbledon on her TV - saw henman have his ass whipped - good job too as the english will now be able to get back to normal! the final is this weekend so may have to watch that - not sure!
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