Wednesday, July 28

news update...

today there was the usual parent-craft/ante-natal drop-in session at the hospital so i walked there and back. i gave myself an hour to walk there but it only took half an hour. the walk back took a little longer - my groin has been really aching lots.

i'm on the caullyphylum (sp?) which is a homeopathic remedy which should encourage contractions when my body is ready. if there's no baby by friday i'm popping into hospital for a scan and monitoring. they'll check the fluid, placents, baby and me. i'll also have a sweep (a cervix and membrane thing).

really wanting to get the baby out before pressure to induce starts - if i get induced i have to have a hospital birth. hopefully they'll not induce for as long as the scan and monitoring show no distress.

anyone know any news on grace and robby? their blog has been silent for a few weeks (in itself not a problem) and i'd love to hear news if there is any.

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