well... where to start?...
things are generally going really well.

I'm still enjoying going to work - this is almost entirely because of the people i sit with. having said that, one of them's going for other jobs, another is determined to do the band thing an the third is going to uni in september, so it won't last forever, and whilst us all splitting up and going our own separate ways may improve my productivity stats, it will return work to its usual mundane self.
still, i have a lot worse and not a lot better when it comes to employment.
on that note however i have been going for quite a few other jobs recently. obviously i've succeeded at none of them, but each time i get an interview which generally goes pretty well (having had so many, i can get a little complacent in them, having answered the same questions so many times), but each time, there seems to be something that prevents me getting the job. this would be the only thing that seems to be irritating my otherwise contented little world at the moment, the only reason that things are only "
generally going well". its frustrating in that its always a different reason why i didn't get the job. its not as if its always my employment history or my interview technique or something else i can do something about. it seems to be nothing i can do to, just keep applying until i get one.

on the parenting, things
are going well. last weekends birthday party and the naming day/ dedication was such a good event - they came off so much better than i could've hoped for - not even the weather ruined it. having come a year, and survived it has been an amazing thing in itself, something i never though i'd manage 11 months ago. you know how its hard to see how far you come in things - this would be one time where i really can see how far i've come. of course the homeopathy will have played a big part in that, but i'm now in a place, with the 2nd on the way where, whilst i'm a little daunted about the thought of two little robins running around, i'm so much more confident in us as parents, and don't feel the same scared apprehension i did just over a year ago.

what else is there? well, not a lot of time for much else... the painting is going well - it's really making me see the world in a different way - i've moved on from seeing rust on everything to seeing grey in most things - playing with transparency of colours, and the very subtle changes that can be made with paint as thin as milk.

and of course there's harry potter - i'm currently on chapter 23 of 30 in the latest book. bea's just finished and things are starting to hot up for me too.
very exciting times...
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