today i took robin to the doctors as he has a rash all over his body and also a temperature at night. he's generally not himself. the doctor thought what was going on was fascinating and said that robin's lymph nodes were up and also the back of his throat was red - must be why he keeps shoving his fingers back there! so we just have to keep an eye on him. supposedly keep his temperature down but i boycott that advice becasue i trust that God caused our bodies to run temperatures to kill bugs so we would get better quicker and also have healthier immune systems. this also goes in line with various alternative medicines too.
andy's birthday is on friday - crazy that he will be 28. i was really surprised when i realised the other day that i was 23 when i got married. my birthday isn't until march and jen's birthday was on tuesday but also offcially on monday because she was going to france on tuesday.
i am meant to be having my afternoon nap but i am struggling to sleep so i thought i would blog. i don't have a lot to say but the roast chicken we had last night at dan's was lush. lush is now an official word of the english language - bring it on!
here is a picture that i thought was very lovely:
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