Friday, April 30

go to...

ruth's blog to read some really great stuff about all the Heidi Baker stuff.

Thank you to all of you who have been praying for me in my emotional vulnerability and wobblyness! I am doing a lot better - I have been wrestling with God lots but I am now in a place of saying (in relation to Ezekial 47),"Go on, then, drown me, cos I want the resurrection kiss and then to be posessed by your Holy Spirit" which is a good place to be.

Thursday, April 29

axis & allies

had a delightful evening at mr rob "homicidal" prides house last night with mr lol "axis of evil" keith. see him shaking with fear at the righteous judgement about to fall upon him.

hang on - he was america wasnt he..?..

thats a photo taken on my diddy little £10 digital camera.

Wednesday, April 28

continuing on from the comments on the post down there about the heidi baker evening.... did bring up some good stuff on worship though.

there's kinda an attitude that says that even if you're not into singing songs, or dont feel like it, God still loves it when you do it out of sacrifice.

but on the other hand, i just dont think God made me to worship him in that way (at least primarily). so what ways do i feel i can honour God and give him worth?

something said in a book challenged me for example to treat cooking as an act of worship. how much effort do you put into it - do you cook as if God's eating with you or just eat out of the saucepan? this then extends to issues such as what quality of food do you use? which also moves into fairtrade, waste and recycling, using cloth nappies instead of disposable ones, ethical shopping and so on. so all this stuff is part of the bigger picture of what worshipping and giving worth to God.

so why is none of this presented or lookied at as a part of a life lived in worship of God? (admittedly it could've been in my 6 month church detox, in which case ignore everything here) why do we still keep singing songs and not think about anything different - why dont we think of cooking as an equally valid, and more to the point, equally vital part of worship? maybe we do, but there seems to be no encouragement to include this in our daily lives - it feels like something else, something that's latched on to the other "more important " things as a secondary, optional extra.

yet people are happy to call worship just singing songs.

bit like how "church" has become such a noun in the west, we dont think of church as something we do.

we see worship as so confined and limited.

and i dont think its just that we're missing out on other froms of worship, but God's actually missing it to.

and maybe thats more the point.

i am feeling very emotionally vulnerable and wobbly. I don't know if it's hormonal or if it's a God thing. I need prayer and I need to know that I am loved and supported - this is one of the things that I forget most easily and it is a bit of a big step being so open about it.

i would also like you to praise God for my boss 'Paddy' who is amazing - understanding, empathetic, clear in communication and releasing. Pray that he'll see Jesus in me (as will all my colleagues) because I'm sure with human eyes all they see is a tired wreck!

Tuesday, April 27

heidi baker evening...

last night was a little crazy. i had a really intense experience (as did others although it sounds like we were all affected in different ways). today i feel incredibly emotional - I'm not sure if it's a God thing or a pregnancy thing. For the moment I'm going with the former but I feel like I want to cry al the time for no reason!

please pray!

Monday, April 26

not anymore

just got an absolute soaking.

when i set off this morning, i was unsure whether to wear my light canvas baseball shoes today or flip-flops - kinda wishing i'd gone for the flip-flops now.

not been this wet since i was 10.

summer is coming...

...and the barbeque's getting hot.

Friday, April 23

shame on the BBC


Andy and I were picked up by our BBC ordered car and dropped at the IBIS hotel at 7.55 this morning. I was told that Richard would be there to meet us and chat to us before interviewing us. So we waited, and we waited and we waited but Richard didn't turn up. The BBC van was empty and although they were filming stuff up on the bridge I had been told to wait at the IBIS so we did. Then at 8.25 another car came to take us to work so we went to work. Many apologies to those of you who had your videos set for my minute and a half of national fame!

As an aside - the incident has thoroughly challenged me about my boundaries and things. I actually cried because I was so worried that people would feel like I'd let them down. Andy kept affirming me like he does because he's a wonderful husband. I've rung the BBC and they've apologised for wasting my time so things are looking up and the weather is blissful.

Thursday, April 22

I'm a celebrity, get me out of here!

tomorrow morning it is likely that I am going to be on TV!! It will be the BBC Breakfast show and I'll be talking about trams. I'm waiting to hear about when a crew is available so I'll get some details up when I can.

Proud of myself!

how exciting to have so many comments on a post that contains the word clitoris, yet none of the comments refer to that in any way. i must be somewhere near the top in rankings of comments achieved and definitely i must have had the most celebrity visits.

is there a prize for people like me?

Wednesday, April 21


I am developing a theory based on very scientific grounds. I have observed that when a new mini leaves an area, another one will turn up withing a very short bit of time. I think there may be something in this. It is obviously to do with the same law and theory that explains why there are only a finite number of plectrums in the world and they have very transient lives which means you rarely ned to buy a new one becaus ethey just turn up.

The baby is wriggling lots and lots. It particularly likes the right side of my body and it can be quite tender when it kiclks me all the time! Last night I went (alone - boo hoo) to our first antenatal class. We had to label a drawing of a full-term female cross-section and the final label was the clitoris which no-one else (particularly the men!) wanted to deal with so I stepped in to the rescue.

Anyone want to help with the aesthetic development of a dug and filled pond? I can't do it on my own and Andy is not interested one jot! let me know.

oh my word!!

just been catching up on blogs, and wardy's post on souped up cars had this awesome site you have to see, espesially any star wars fans out there

of course theres more stuff on the uk versions at

back up and ruuning. last!
so is email.

Monday, April 19

the girl next door (again)

was just as funny, in fact possibly even more enjoyable than the first time.

Sunday, April 18

the girl next door

was actually a very good film - a lot better than either of us were expecting it to be.

sure it wont pass the pete david film purity laws, but for everyone wanting a less gross/ purile, more sentimental film like american pie, this is perfect.

plus, the lead guy looks like andrew hodgson, which makes the film even more amusing as it goes on!

Thursday, April 15


not sure quite whats happening.... prob something to do with re-registering our site etc. which is why you cant get to this site easily, and i think has meant we've both lost any emails sent in the past few days to our moogaloo accounts. oops. still available at the lofter one for now.


we're back in the uk now. will be good to see people again.

Friday, April 9

off to switzerland

we're back on thursday. but in the meantime, i can check my emails at [my name beginning with a, ending in y] @ lofter (dot) tv.
obviously that's not literally the address, but you know how we all get protective of our email addresses on public blogs.

think of it as a riddle... and ant's got the answer if you dont.

anyway, seeya all when we get back.

happy easter

Thursday, April 8

Sorry for the silence!

Well, I've been really poorly. I've had a nasty middle ear infection in both ears which has left me with (temporary) partial hearing as well as a noise in my right ear that sounds like the brushing of a yard! I've been controlling the pain with Codeine and paracetamol but there have been lots of tears.

Last week I went down to my parents house and hung out with my brother on the Thursday evening. We had a lovely time - it's amazing seeing how reconciliation is continually being woven into our relationship. that night I got really poorly and dad came back from skiing the next day. he took me out for a meal in the evening (just the two of us) which was so special. It was almost more special than the glass of champagne we shared tofgether immediately before I got married. The weather was lovely too so we walked to the restaurat. Despite feeling rotten it was great to go for a stroll where the land is flat!

Andy has been a lovely husband while I've been ill. It takes him a few days to get into it but when he does he's great! Yesterday I felt great compared to what I have been feeling. I went to the garden centre and brought plants with my birthday money and then spent two hours gardening. In hindsight this was alittle too much but the garden looks cool! Good housekeeping magazing recommends you go to the garden centre each month and buy a couple of things in flower. That way you have a year-round garden to enjoy!

Off to view a push chair which is being sold by some people who frequent the pub where Andy works. It's been an odd decision whether to get a pushchair but i expect it will be useful when the kid is geting older, or for going to local shops or for other people to take the baby out. Andy and I are going to use a baby sling.

No Camper Van yet as we still haven't sold our car. Not that we've been trying I suppose!

Anyone up for Greenbelt?

the holy observer

"God to Intercessors: Just Stop Saying 'Just'
Linguistic grace no longer applicable to mutually exclusive prayer requests
- something bea and i have been noticing ourselves and getting a bit annoyed by too.

thanks to si wilkins for the mention of this site - there's some pretty amusing stuff on it too.

for the completely rediculous ("the easter bunny - a dangerous and deadly trick from satan"), go to landover baptist's site

Saturday, April 3

trojan condoms? catherine zeta jones?

has anyone noticed those new ads around town for trojan condoms, with a picture of a very happy woman who looks suprisingly like ms zeta-jones? i s'pose it could be, but then maybe she'll take me to court for suggesting such a thing... hmmmm....

Thursday, April 1

"the meatrix is all around you leo"

the meatrix - although ripped straight off wardy fireball's blog, this's dead good. shame its american and so cant help us in england so well, but still "food" for thought; tackling a "meaty" issue...