there's kinda an attitude that says that even if you're not into singing songs, or dont feel like it, God still loves it when you do it out of sacrifice.
but on the other hand, i just dont think God made me to worship him in that way (at least primarily). so what ways do i feel i can honour God and give him worth?
something said in a book challenged me for example to treat cooking as an act of worship. how much effort do you put into it - do you cook as if God's eating with you or just eat out of the saucepan? this then extends to issues such as what quality of food do you use? which also moves into fairtrade, waste and recycling, using cloth nappies instead of disposable ones, ethical shopping and so on. so all this stuff is part of the bigger picture of what worshipping and giving worth to God.
so why is none of this presented or lookied at as a part of a life lived in worship of God? (admittedly it could've been in my 6 month church detox, in which case ignore everything here) why do we still keep singing songs and not think about anything different - why dont we think of cooking as an equally valid, and more to the point, equally vital part of worship? maybe we do, but there seems to be no encouragement to include this in our daily lives - it feels like something else, something that's latched on to the other "more important " things as a secondary, optional extra.
yet people are happy to call worship just singing songs.
bit like how "church" has become such a noun in the west, we dont think of church as something we do.
we see worship as so confined and limited.
and i dont think its just that we're missing out on other froms of worship, but God's actually missing it to.
and maybe thats more the point.
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