Andy and I were picked up by our BBC ordered car and dropped at the IBIS hotel at 7.55 this morning. I was told that Richard would be there to meet us and chat to us before interviewing us. So we waited, and we waited and we waited but Richard didn't turn up. The BBC van was empty and although they were filming stuff up on the bridge I had been told to wait at the IBIS so we did. Then at 8.25 another car came to take us to work so we went to work. Many apologies to those of you who had your videos set for my minute and a half of national fame!
As an aside - the incident has thoroughly challenged me about my boundaries and things. I actually cried because I was so worried that people would feel like I'd let them down. Andy kept affirming me like he does because he's a wonderful husband. I've rung the BBC and they've apologised for wasting my time so things are looking up and the weather is blissful.
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