Wednesday, April 21


I am developing a theory based on very scientific grounds. I have observed that when a new mini leaves an area, another one will turn up withing a very short bit of time. I think there may be something in this. It is obviously to do with the same law and theory that explains why there are only a finite number of plectrums in the world and they have very transient lives which means you rarely ned to buy a new one becaus ethey just turn up.

The baby is wriggling lots and lots. It particularly likes the right side of my body and it can be quite tender when it kiclks me all the time! Last night I went (alone - boo hoo) to our first antenatal class. We had to label a drawing of a full-term female cross-section and the final label was the clitoris which no-one else (particularly the men!) wanted to deal with so I stepped in to the rescue.

Anyone want to help with the aesthetic development of a dug and filled pond? I can't do it on my own and Andy is not interested one jot! let me know.

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