today i had to do something that was the most disgusting thing i have ever had to do. i cannot share the details on this blog because i do not think you are prepared for what happened. but trust me that it was beyond the imaginable!
moving on - i had agood business day. started really badly but then got better and was productive and i feel so much better about tyhe next step for my business. hooray! could still do with some lessons in admin organisation!
Oh come on, what was it you had to do, It cant be that bad. I can stomach it what was it. I am prepared, you cant shock me now.
i should say i guessed what it was straight away.... without wantingto give it away, its something that a parent of young children probably wont be quite as repulsed by as someone who's not.
did you have to choose between a poo sandwich, a sick sandwich or an ear wax sandwich?....if you didn't which one would you choose?
love yas xxxx
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