Wednesday, January 17

this is sooooo gross!

last night i made a lush tea and while andy was whizzing up some pineapple and yogurt for pudding i cleared the boy's left-overs onto one plate. i then thought it was the perfect opportunity to pick my nose - both boys waiting for pudding with happy stomachs! so i picked out 3 bogies and put them on the plate of waste food.

so andy sits back down at the table and serves pudding and i'm feeding jos until i look up and andy is finishing off the food from the boy's plate, including the bogies disguised amongst the cous cous! i started laughing and decided it was only kind before he finished all the food to tell him about my nose picking excavations - the worse bit is that he looked at the last mouthful and weighed it up in his head and decided that it was worth eating the last moputhful cos tea was so nice and he'd probably already eaten the bogies anyway!!

this brings a whole new meaning to us 'becoming one flesh'!!!!


JoeyD said...

ugh!! ha de ha!

Anonymous said...

au contraire