Monday, January 8

you are very welcome!

i noticed some new dots on the map - i just wanted to say that whoever you are, you are very welcome on our blog - it would be great if you'd introduce yourselves on our comments. having said that, maybe none of you will come back after you su've seent he bland nature of our posts!!!

just a normal family doing normal stuff, thinking normal things... actually i'm not sure normal is a word many poeple would use to describe us, particularly me!!


Anonymous said...


Don't know if you remember me, I did tribal training with you. Good to hear what you guys are up to. I am living in Wellington NZ and have been doing on and off for the past 4years.

take care

Anonymous said...


Don't know if you remember me, I did tribal training at the same time as you. Good to hear what you guys are doing. I am living in Wellington and have been doing on and off for the past 4years.

take care


Anonymous said...

Hi Bea, just to say I read your blog today and I would noy call u normal I would call you super cool. love val austinix x