Thursday, September 13

Reflections on imagination

To say reflections makes it sound like I have gathered my thoughts and mulled them into a coherent and interesting piece of writing but as an extrovert processor the result of my reflections is nothing more than the jumbled mess in my head splurging onto the page!!


I am either a total loony tune with severe mental health problems or my imagination gets taken control of by external forces. The spiritually sensitive among you will get what I'm saying but to the rest of you I suppose I sound ridiculous. However, this assault on my mind that happens every so often made me start thinking about the imagination.

As children develop we really encourage the imagination and then as children grow up, perhaps go to school we start to tell children where to use the imagination and where not to and also we start to give children an idea of what is appropriate for their imagination to be doing, while at the same time introducing them to movies and other cultural influences that put new stuff in their imagination, good and bad.

By the time children are adults we have a pocket, some larger than others, in our heads which seems to hold our imagination. If an adult is confident in expressing and using their imagination it seems that they can respond to live really creatively so problems in life can be an exciting challenge of thinking 'outside the box' or boredom doesn't become much of a problem because they can go somewhere else in their head. For people who suffer from stress and anxiety, the imagination is used as a tool to help them find a place of rest or calm. So it seems that there are times when it's ok, even encouraged, as an adult to engage your imagination.

Then there seem to be the times when the imagination is seen as the root of problems, so adults who feel dissatisfied because they have unrealised dreams and hopes, or the case where someone has great vision for something and noone takes their idea seriously. The support of the community around that person can bring life or death to that vision. As an entrepreneur I know that I have millions of ideas, some of them ridiculous but others getting close to brilliant(!), and it is because the majority of my community are so supportive that I find myself able to pursue these things, even if that pursuit doesn't move from thought into action. Then there's the way the imagination gets labelled as the root of religious faith, perhaps the idea that God speaks to a person gets blamed on their imagination or for those who are more sensitive to the spiritual 'stuff' they appear to have mental health problems because they describe what feels like an external assault on, or interaction with, their mind. Too often we label people with 'an overactive imagination'.

Or I suppose there is the way our dreams can be so fleeting that we barley remember them in the morning, or so real that when we wake we are confused by what has been happening. I wonder where our imagination is in all of that - how much of our dreams are simply our heads processing the stuff of the day, our worries or hopes. If, then, dreams are not necessarily imagination we should be open to people who have a spiritual experience in their dreams, without writing it off as 'just your imagination'.

Coming back to the journey our imaginations take from childhood to adulthood I wonder how we can be counter-cultural in that with our own children and the children around us. In an age where 6 year old girls want a mobile phone and want to be sexy or worry that their body isn't quite right, I feel that something has gone terribly wrong. I remember at 6 I was living in my imagination a lot of the time. I had no awareness about my body then apart from it's physical capabilities and whether I could climb that tree and make a house up there to hide out in and then all the stuff that might happen in my new life living up in that tree where nobody could find me! or the way my imagination let me own and care for ponies and ride them around and groom them for hours and hours.

if we could be counter-cultural and stop the 'curbing' of our imaginations and our children's imaginations where could we be? a neighbour of ours writes film scripts in his spare time and I hear he lets his imagination dream up awesome things with positive environmental impact. But they stay on the page of paper because as a culture we don't have space for dreaming dreams and letting our imagination run wild. Einstein, who incidentally failed at shchool, only realised his theory of relativity because he was lost in his imagination and got swept up on a beam of light. It was through this 'vision' that he went on to change the face of scientific understanding in many areas.

I suppose my thing then is how do we raise children into adults while retaining the full freedom of their imagination? how do we as adults recover our lost imagination and make the pocket of imagination in our heads so full that a much larger container is required, even better, not even try to contain it!! and lastly how do we as respond to people's claims, like my own, that the imagination can be subject to external forces, particularly in a spiritual sense, so that it is not responding to what the head is saying but seems to be responding to something else altogether - or should I be declared mentally ill?

Tuesday, September 11

flip me.

there are 2 things that shocked me in the last 24 hours.

1. i found out today that dame anita roddick has died. you can read the story on the bbc. We saw her a couple of years ago at greenbelt and she was so inspirational. the difference she made to the high street in terms of ethical products is phenomenal and i guess she was doing her thing 'for such a time as this'.

2. apparently the world is ending tomorrow. i don't get it but rach hall says it so it must be true. andy even had a theory for it. all sounds fishy to me but we had a lovely pint while discussing it!!

Friday, September 7


so that i can tell andrew jones that his blog is one of my favourites i have to post the following link Technorati Profile

sorry this post isn't more interesting!!

Wednesday, September 5

the tall skinny on getting the bible Wright

Andrew Jones has posted a very interesting article to his blog as a response to a provocative blog post by Pyromaniacs against emerging church and other movements that threaten the Fundamentalist claim to supreme power and a uniquely correct view of Scripture. Andrew's post is great and, although i got lost a bit in the middle, it throws out some interesting challenges and responses.

Interestingly, the words that hit me most (sorry Andrew!) were in the comments at the end. The commenter goes by the name of Art and puts something that i sometimes struggle to articulate in a very simple way:

"the Bible is primarily about Jesus and his rescue mission to the world and not "how we can go to heaven when we die"

This is something I have been thinking about for a few months now, ever since we started studying a book at church called "satanist mountain" by Ched Myers. Ooops, sorry, that should read, "SAY TO THIS mountain" by Ched Myers!!! Anyway, it's all part of the journey God has me on at the moment and this all feeds into what we've been working through re. church and everything really!! I will blog more, but for now I recommend you go read the tall skinny...

Tuesday, August 28

back from greenbelt

lots buzzing round my head - greenbelt and the week or two leading up to it have been very significant. lots of ground covered on this little journey of mine. i've been inspired, challenged, frustrated, set free, affirmed, validated, questioned and tested and it's all going to splurge out here over the next few days i expect!

Wednesday, August 22

thinking about church...

was on a website today for a community in austin called mosaic and i was just floating around being hugely inspired by what God is doing in their midst and i read this,

regarding their small groups - "provide a place where the gospel connects with life and where we connect with each other and the world. While slowly learning how “to do life together” groups will talk through and wrestle with what it means to follow Christ together."

so simple but spot on. my personal experience of small groups over the years is really mixed. the biggest thing that has always glared at me is the inability of the samll group to have any longevity to it. the only time the small community had a definite longevity other stuff shut it down.

then a bit further down i read this - "Note, though, that some groups are full: they can’t grow any more and still be “small groups.” Others may be difficult to join if they’re reading a specific book, and won’t be able to make any progress if they’re recapping every week."

how refreshing is that. no one is excluded but some groups are protected because the important stuff that goes on between individuals as they connect together and get close and raw is not there to be abused or broken up. it's to be invested in. and also that in inviting someone to join a small group they respect you enough to say that some groups are open but may be difficult cos they're in the middle of stuff and the people in the group are respected enough to be given space so that they don't have to keep getting disrupted.

obviously, all this is fine when you have enough groups for new people to slot in to the best space but it's God that builds it and God respects us, values us, loves us, loves the raw and vulnerable stuff that goes on amongst his children when they "talk through and wrestle with what it means to follow Christ together". God will show our communities a way too until we start to put God into th 'community tool' or the 'program' or 'the way we do things round here'.

hey mosaic, amen amen amen!!! a million blessings on everything you are doing and everything God is giving you.

one more thing... God it's good to be blogging again!!

Friday, August 10

dedication and naming service

here is the file of Jos' naming and dedication. I'm putting it up here for a facebook friend but any of you can read it!naming%20dedication%20-%20jos.doc

sorry our blogging is so crap these days. we are a little won over by facebook and i feel my life is so busy with the kids and the businesses that i don't have time to really think about interesting stuff, let alone blog about it!!

Saturday, June 23

Big Fire st the Simple Way

Shane Claiborne started the simple way ten years ago. he has been an inspiration to me and had a profound affect on my working out of the gospel. Shane and another member of the simple way lost all their possessions, the warehouse is destroyed and 8 families in the neighbourhood have been made homeless.

Please pray and you can donate too. just follow the above link.

Monday, June 18


for months my beautiful friend shannon hopkins has had the same prayerful writing on her website. she hasn't posted since but even though i have read those words several times (i go check to see if she has written again, although now she tells me not to bother for a while!) they never sink in to my head or my heart. then today i came upon the following:

Step into the Spirit's movement, the Father's activity. Repent of man's
traditions that keep us seperated, break the walls down and begin to LOVE
others more radically. What does that look like in your life and church? I
don't know but if you ask the Father to show you, HE WILL. Then step out
into what he is doing and watch the Kingdom of God grow!

this is from the healing waiters ministry blog and it resonated within me. it was like the Spirit just wanted to whisper it to me, like when your parent sees you need gently guidance so they just give you a gentle direction. no big deal kind of stuff but it changes your course or clarifies a thought. something significant from something simple.

for me it was like a seal on the vision i had for our former community SOFA. the vision had 3 main strands - 1) love the Lord you God with your heart, soul and mind. 2) Love your neighbour as you love yourself. 3)Others will know that you are my disciples by the way you love one another.

that vision was realised but cut short in many ways and i've still been on that journey somehow. then i read those words and it feels like the journey is complete. amazing how God points you to the little steps to get the big stuff done - there is a whole little line of dominoes leading up to me reading those words today and it is all god's timing becasue some of the dominoes i've tried to tip in the past but not managed it and yet today God made clear it was time to play!

Monday, June 11

more news like this please!

the other day at my course we were commenting how there is never any good/happy news reported so today i saw this feature on the bbc website. it made me smile!

hey jen - i'd love to put pictures up but i can't get my phone and laptop to bluetooth anymore. sorry!

Monday, May 28

been a while!

struggling to blog at the moment - partly cos our little church which is still working out what it's about and where it's going has a blog so i'm focusing on that a bit more. but also i recently got sucked into facebook and this has highly addictive qualities! mind you, i'm finding facebook a bit boring now - only good when people are talking to you!!

it's raining lots here at the moment which is great for the garden but rubbish for a bank holiday weekend! we went to renishaw hall on saturday which was lovely and hung out with a group of friends - a weird group actually as we knew everyone there but from different circles of friends and suddenly they all converged! it was also fab cos 4 of the families there, including us, are considering home ed and it was lovely to be able to chat about it as a group, with dads there too.

finally, those who would like to spend time as women worshiping and praying together, as some of us did last week, we're doing it again on 25th june, 7.45pm at our house.

Tuesday, May 22

god loves his children....

copy that, god loves his children. 10-4
courtesy of ben fuller.

Wednesday, May 16

dvd mania! had a sale on, maybe still on, where most items were only a fiver. andy and i decided to buy a couple of dvds and managed to walk away with 7! however, in our defence, we only bought ones that were on our list of dvds we wanted to own or the other one or two which i was hoping for when i found them at a good price. it's very exciting and means lots of great nights in which will be a refreshing change from all the nights out i seem to be having at the moment!

Had to post this - I hope God finds it as funny as I do!

Thursday, May 10

Praise God, we're back again!

Blink and you might have missed it, but we've had big problems with our blog. It's all quite technical I think and probably quite boring but it's good to be back. I was lookjing at the map which shows who comes here, and considering how many red dots there are, not many of you leave comments!

Things are good - although busy. Story of our lives! Well, story of mine and Andy's has only been busy since I've been in it. Poor him, I think he'd much rather have a quiet life but I seem to come with everything else but quiet!

The kitchen is starting to really take shape. We are hoping to paint this weekend and the beautiful Smeg fridge freezer is here. There will be photos at some point.

Tuesday, April 24

2 things of great beauty...

yesterday we fished a beautiful but dead toad out of our pond. it had the most beautiful eyes and lovely speckled skin. we looked at it a lot and determined that it was possibly killed by a giant crow (looks like a raven but do you get ravens in sheffield gardens?) as it was a large puncture wound that went straight through, rather than several smaller ones that might suggest a cat's jaws.

the second thing of beauty is my chandelier, happily installed in our fab kitchen. dishwasher arrives tuesday!

i have taken photos of both on my phone but i can't get bluetooth to work at present so you'll just have to imagine...

Wednesday, April 18

i love my washing line

last year colin erected the most fantastic washing line the whole length of our garden. it attaches to the house and to the shed - metres and metres! and also it's on apulley system so i only have to stand in one spot. it si so tremendouse that i think i will take a photo to put up on the blog.

Monday, April 16

new found respect for alanis...

how something so hideous:

be turned into something so awesome:


hello, my name is bea, and i'm a chaotic...

yes. i really am very chaotic. i have a to do list that's very long, and all inside my head. the irritating thing is that as soon as i try to put it on paper it all vanishes somewhere else until i'm in a place where i cannot implement any of them, and suddenly they all leap back.

interestingly, i am quite funny when i am in this chaotic place so now is a good time to hang out with me.

lots of great stuff is happening to me at the moment. more later. currently at mum and dad's (although dad is skiing at the mo) and my beautiful sister is cooking me a lovely tea.

Friday, April 13

alela diane

something for anyone who like joanna newsome, laura viers, devandra banheart or the be good tanyas - not sure how well known she is - i just happened upon it as it was playing in fopp yesterday and was one of 3 people in the queue buying it.

Saturday, April 7

loving my larder!

oh yes, oh yes, OH YES!!!!

i have put food in my larder - it is lush! the whole kitchen is lush! my sister, charlie, and her boyfriend, jay, have been up this weekend and they've helped me paint the diluted first coat on the walls and also a couple of coats on the ceiling. we also went to weston park museum and stopped for a picnic on the way. it was lovely although robin got sooo tired from the whole experience that he screamed nearly the whole way home whilst straining at the straps of his pushchair - to the extent that when he finally fell asleep he was still in his 'forward-straining- position!!

we ate our first proper meal in the kitchen today - at the table!! it was a take-away from Gulijstan on walkley. never used it before as we were always hardcore loyalists to the jaflong in crookes until they changed their chef. we still stayed with them for a further year in the hope they'd return to their former chef. then we flitted around a coupld of recommended take-aways but didn't like any of them. at last we settled on the jeera, a new and very tacky looking one also in crookes. we were pleased and a lot surprised to discover it was fantastic but alas no more. it is shit and it has fallen under new management and i fear it has also got a new chef. well, we are not hanging around. we tried the gulijstan and it was pretty good - in fact, we really liked it. only snag is that they used tin spinach instead of frozen or fresh BUT the jalfrezi andy had was lush and the peshwari naan was lush too. we will go there again and see how they fare over time.

Easter tomorrow - He is risen!!! Amen!

Thursday, April 5

this is my kind of worship...

i was thinking about my kind of worship. this week i've been re-exploring celtic prayer and worship and having some lovely times with God as a result. then i was on you-tube because there's a scary american family who have been documented by louis theroux. they take the bible in a very weird way and aren't opene to anyone else to challenge them in any way. fundamental to the extreme! their worship was very traditional, out of old hymn books with the music on the page as well as the words (no problems with this by the way, just not my style!) and it got me tinking about worship. the video below is one of the most amazing worship experiences i've had in a long time. it makes me tingle and really engage with a good God who brings energy and colour and creativity and craziness and gets into all the nooks and crannies of our lives. i hope you like it.

Tuesday, April 3

beautiful birds

yesterday while sitting eating brekfast with the boys i was watching the birds in the garden and they were beautiful. they seemed so happy and they looked like they were eating aphids - fantastic!!

there were:

3 great tits
2 blue tits
1 robin
1 wren
2 or 3 blackbirds
3 brown things - starlings?

last week or the week before we also saw a mistle(sp?) thrush as well.

Wednesday, March 28

a quick request...

if there's anyone coming up (or is it down?) from London in the next week who could pick up a dishwasher for us we'd be REALLY grateful - please let us know if you can...

Tuesday, March 27

the IT (and we're not talking about computers!)

amy has been blogging her reflections on the IT. her post explains it in a lovely mystical way, as you would expect from a beautiful mystical spirit(!), but as i dwell on it, it is starting to penetrate the dry areas in my bones. it is starting to take me to a new level of hope that is fresh and vibrant and all this on top of glories of God that i have been experiencing through the kitchen situation. and i can almost feel it opening the eys of my heart deeper. bring on the IT!

Thursday, March 22

the kitchen - everything you ever wanted to know, almost!

i'm uploading a file - never done this before but if it works it will fill you in on what's happening our end.

Tuesday, March 20

happy (official) birthday jos!

1 today, and still smiling!

sadly no birthday photo on hand, so some of us in orkney instead:

Tuesday, March 13

thanks Dr V!

just listened to a bbc lent talk. worth a few minutes of your time. i'm hoping to follow them over the next few weeks...

here's the link!

reflections on lent...

this year we have given up alcohol. we did this because we both felt that God was making the suggestion. We also felt God was suggesting we have an intentional response to the process and realised through a comment on andrew jones' blog that this response was one of charity and social justice.

andrew is writing as a response to an article on lancaster online about the emerging church and lent. one of the guys commenting, a friend of ours called brad (who incidentally gave us some way cool coffee pots a while back that we could with getting wired up for british electrics) said some stuff i liked, and wanted to quote:

"i think this is far more complex than whether this is a 'protest' or 'reform' or 'regain' or 'restore.' i suspect that ALL OF US tend to confuse our abstract doctrinal concepts with concrete biblical facts, and confuse our so-called 'biblical' methodologies practices with actual biblical prescriptives.

one of the tasks of each disciple and each generation of disciples is to act as Bereans to investigate the Scriptures to see what FACTS are so and to keep working on improved CONCEPTUALIZATIONS of how the facts fit together. i would hope we could learn from both past and present approaches, ALL OF WHICH ARE IMPERFECT.

we should ALWAYS be 'protesting' or 'antithesizing' even our own theological patterns, if we are being as Bereans. it doesn't mean we're pro-papists or re-reformers or anti-authoritarianists or non-inerrantists, etc. we may not use the same language of theological concepts that others use, but isn't it part of our responsibility to the continuity of our faith to keep pressing toward a comprehensive, holistic, integrative worldview AND part of our presponsibility to the discontinuity of our times to embody that faith in authentic ways before all peoples?"

the bigger picture of reflecting on why i do what i do in my faith journey is a picture i don't spend much time looking at. thinking in terms of lent etc... i know why i pray, worship, go to church. i know what my current beliefs are, but i continue to 'write my theology in pencil' as i know from experience and the wisdom of others that God's process of revelation is often a long, slow one. my instinct is to hear the firsr thing he shows me and set that up as 'my belief' rather than stepping into the process of revelation.

Sunday, March 11

reflections on wool

when we left orkney debbie jones gave me a bag of raw wool. it smells of sheep and farms and has a greasy feel to it. if you teke some it pulls apart really easily. however, if you start to pull it apart slightly and twist it at the same time it forms a yarn (basic spinning). you can pull this yarn really hard and it won't break. it has incredible strength. you can then dye this yarn, wash it, knit it, crochet it, whatever. the possibilities of what can be created from the first bit of wool are infinite.

i was reflecting on this further in terms of us - psalm 139 says that God knits us together in our mother's womb. so i was thinking into that about how He takes sometghing (a sperm and an egg) which on their own are pretty week and insignificant but He makes infinite creations from it - we reflect His image and yet not one of us is like another through the entirity of time. That is a big reflection of His image!

Also though in our journey of faith and growth and life He is taking us as weak, broken, grubby things and purifying us, cleansing us, transforming us through renewal (we will be transformed daily by the renewing of our minds) and bringing us more and more into a finished garment which is who we will be in glory. but His grace is sufficient for any times we caused Him to miss a stitch or drop a stitch or caused Him to pull to tight or slacken off. all because he chooses to give us freedom to be and do what we choose. I suspect the times we choose His way and his plan, the fabric of the knitting is pretty perfect! as shannon has been known to say, "He is drawing us into His rich tapestry".

just some thoughts...

Wednesday, March 7

Inspiration for prayer

i was reading andrew jones'blog today and saw this wonderful post about the prayer of Jael. It really made me realise that so often i read scripture without seeing the story in a modern-setting. in the sense that i don't imagine things like what the person was thinking or saying etc. i find it hard to read between the lines of what was going on.

at church we're studying mark's gospel and we're using a book called "say to this mountain" by ched myers. on sunday i heard a part of the story in chapter 2 one way and then as we started discussing it and other people brought out the'r understanding of it a light came on for me. it is so exciting exploring the bible with our new church - challenging, inspirational, worshipful, illuminating, frustrating at times but worth every minute.

so andrew's post about the prayer of Jael feels like a breath of fresh air - permission to be real with God in the way that the psalms push us to be honest with God. and then, by speaking the truth in love and not living lives of falsehood, being honest with each other. this is probably the harder of the two for me because being honest with others about certain bits of me meanms i am choosing to put myself ina very vulnerable place. but God is knitting together family in our new church - that feels like how He is showing it to me. we are a brand new church - only had 2 meetings and i feel like God is saying, "you may be church, but most of all i am making you a family". i need to reflect more on what that means to be family - there is a lot of the good, the bad and the ugly in family and i wonder what that might mean in terms of church as family.

Wednesday, February 28

it doesn't fit but it's mine!

debbie and i finished my sample - it doesn't fit so today we are going to make another with some modifications. however, it may not fit, but it's mine - i designed it, and i made it (with a little help) and it's my first ever item of clothing so it's ok that it isn't perfect the first time - it wasn't meant to be. i always planned on re-designing anyway as part of the learning curve and getting the product right so what i'm trying to get my head around is that although it's not wearable, it's mine and it's an achievement so...

well done me. give myself a pat on the back!

oh, and i'm about to start cutting fabric for the second version which we'll make today!

Tuesday, February 27

like a kid in a sweet store

today debbie took me to a shop called tait and style which is just up the hill from where they live in stromness. it is amazing and i couldn't help myself but buy lots of goodies - loads of cheap samples and yarn and ooh lovely things. being around debbie makes me feel so creative! she is such an inspiration.

also this morning we started making a mock-up of one of my designs. debbie is teaching me how to mark out, pin and cut a pattern on fabric and then we'll move onto sewing. i'll keep you updated.

it is peeing it down today - crazy rain but quite exciting too!

Monday, February 26

the rest of day 2

we got in the car late morning and headedd off to explore the island. debbie recommended a few places to go and see and there's not many roads so it's not too difficult to get around without getting lost!

the first place we went to was Scara Brae. This is what the official orkney tourism website says, "It is an incredibly well preserved stone village containing an intricate maze of dwellings, with stone beds, lintels and cupboards are all intact, and dates back some 5,000 years. The site was revealed in 1850 by a violent storm and is now one of the most famous Neolithic sites in Northern Europe."

this photo is taken on scara brae beach:

then the boys were too cold and getting hungry. i was cold and hungry too but i become so alive when i am by the sea - it's like my blood starts rushing round my body ten times faster and i feel amazing. i want to run around and jump about and just fall down in the sand and grin. i did a bit of this but jos' face was streaming and he had snot everywhere. robin wanted to get back to the car and was hiding from the wind behind my leg and andy could barely bring himself to take his hands out of his pockets to give me the camera!

we went back to the car, realised our packed lunch was still at the house so we went back and got it then had a picnic in the car! we ate while we drove to a lookout point over a loch and then on to a viking settlement called The Broch of Guerness. Robin really enjoyed running round with Andy and playing hide and seek. Jos and I found a spot to be sheltered from the wind and jos enjoyed just exploring the properties of grass!!

we drove back to stromness through a few villages and stopped in a little local shop. we also tried to go to a couple of the craft trail places but each was closed. we went to a potters and a wool shed and i was particularly excited about the wool shed (of course!) but not to worry, debbie is hoping to show me a bit of spinning while i'm here. she's been telling me all about how wool is like to work with when it is raw and i'm really looking forward to getting into spinning yarn.

as an aside, ezra who is project manahging our kitchen, called today to say that our neighbour has flipped about the work we are having done. there were a couple of issues with him before we left on holiday but i worked really hard to resolve everything before leaving. anyway, he has now gone and told the council we are doing work without permission so we now have to put in an application for the work we are doing rather than getting a building inspector just to check it after which is how the builder normally works. all this means we are delayed by about a week on the kitchen work. not so much of a problem on one level beacsue we have amazing friends who will let us eat with them but it means the house is chaotic - something i find hard at the best of times. ultimately means i don't want to be in my own home - the lounge is currently stashed to the brim with kitchen stuff. boy am i having a clearout when i put everything back into the kitchen. and praise God, chloe has said she is inviting herself round for a cup of coffee (black, no sugar, and probably cold by the time it reaches her lips!) to help me get stuff sorted.

anyone want to come for a cleaning party once the kitchen is in a better state - the rest of the house is covered in a thin layer of plaster dudt, even though we cleaned all the floors and surfafces on thursday night right before leaving!!

day 2

sitting at the breakfast table. the sun is shining today and we are going off to explore the island (or at least parts of it) today. hannah (9) is feeling poorly with a sore throat so she is staying off school - perhaps to hang out with robin but she's been told that he's going out and so isn't around for playing!!

abigail (11) was wearing a fantastic top yesterday and it turns out she made it - she and her friend eva plan to set up their own design label called 'cherry'. she also brought down a skirt made with kilt off-cuts and a diagonal zip. i think i might need to enlist her creative skills for my clothes!

tamara, known as TJ, who is 4 (5 in march) is sitting next to me at the table. she loves how fast i type but i told her that her daddy must type faster than me - he blogs so much more and is a prolific reader and writer so i'm pretty certain he has a slight advantage on speed. robin tried to do sleep over with tamara and hannah last night but he said it was too different so came back into our room.

Sunday, February 25

day 1

so we had a good night's slepp although as usual the boys woke early - jos actually. robin seems to like sleeping here. this afternoon he slept for about 2 hours on me. unheard of! went to andrew and debbie'd church this morning. it was a lovely, simple get together. they do soup and bread afterwards and everyone was really freindly. met and chatted to a wonderfully eccentric guy called chris - he came back to andrew and debbie's after and is great fun!

this afternoon we just crashed out at the house - need to take photos to show you. andrew cooked a lovely roast beef dinner and he also did crepes fr breakfast. when you come to the jones' you know you are going to eat well! i love how they weave food into family life in a really special way. it means that wherever they're travelling (soemthing they do a lot) they have the same rhythm to family life. so friday is always pizza night, tuesday is sausages, sunday morning is crepes and so on.

tomorrow we are going to head off around the island and explore. robin really enjoyed the beach at thurso (where we spent the morning waiting for the ferry check-in). i think we'll try and find some of the orkney beaches which are meant to be beautiful and then a stone village which is very old and preserved. i'll tell you more about it in my update tomorrow.

gutted to miss our first time together ass a new church. chloe texted me to let me know that they were knitting as part of church - how cool. can't wait to find out more. i've been doing my knitting up here - finishing off andy's jumper. on the second sleeve now and then i only have to sew it all together. hooray!

Saturday, February 24

we've arrived!

very tired but feel we have achieved something great! orkney so far is lush - andrew cooked great burgers for tea and they have done their place up beutifully. true jones style!! we'll try and stay in touch over the week - see you soon!

Tuesday, February 20

flower fairies

i have always loved the flower fairies. do they have them overseas? when i look at them i think they must be english but perhaps not. here is the flower fairy for the letter 'R' which is my initial (for Rebecca). chloe reminded me of them while i was browsing her blog. quite a funny post about how she accidentally let slip some nonsense to her 2yr old about fairies coming out to dance at night and now she realises she needs to tell ruby the truth! it really is a funny post but also so beautifully written that you can see why Chloe is persuing writing children's books.

anyway, i found the image below of flower fairy 'R'. interesting that it is 'R' for ragged robin and obviously robin is called robin. maybe i should get him one for his wall. i hope you like it.

Monday, February 19

today was a great day!

robin, jos and i spent the majority of today in Chesterfield, an historic market town 10 miles from Sheffield. we went becasue i really wanted to get hold of some fabric to take to orkney (i'm hoping debbie and whitney might be able to help me get some samples made). i haven't been able to get what i needed in sheffield and Chesterfield has a great market and there were two fabric stalls and each one supplied me with a different fabric so i have two and i really like them both. they are similar in weight and composition to the final fabric but as i will be using organic or sustainable fabrics for me clothes when i get them made 'proper' i won't be able to get the same great patterns that these have!

robin went on a carousel for the first time ever - the typw with cars and things, rather than horses. he looked petrified all the way round to the point that i nearly wet myself with laughter, but he said he enjoyed himself afterwards!

i'm a little stressed at the mo but feeling ok too - i have to pack up my kitchen as i have a bloke coming to collect some cupboards on weds morning and someone else coming to collect the laminate floor on wednesday evening. then on thurs dan and i are ripping out whatever is left. then on friday we are going to orkney. we are driving through the night becasue we think that's the best bet with the boys and it also means that, although knackered, we get a good amount of time with our friends up there.

the other thing i did today was have a nap in the car, lying uncomfortable across the front seats as the boys had fallen asleep in the back. i figure i need to sleep every opportunity possible if i am losing a night on friday!

Sunday, February 18

windows data execution prevention aka DEP aka pain in the ass...

having been rediculously frustrated by windows service pack 2 blocking me from using windows explorer, because it would seem using windows to browse around folders (including changing settings, or running hard drive performance checks for eg) is a dangerous thing to do and therefore brings up an error message closing the window.
so you go throught the help files and it tells you you can allow access to certain files by... going into the settings window - the same window that DEP blocks.
trawling the internet has finally bought about the following:
Where Can I Find DEP On My PC?
so if anyone else has the same problems....

(posted by andy, not bea)

Saturday, February 17


thought seeing as our friends Keith and Dawn Mallon, who are off on a ship as missionaries, might be looking at our blog soon, i would give them a special welcome.

as for the rest of you. life is fine. we are fine. sorry our blog is quite dull atb the moment. we are busy planning jos' dedication and naming ceremony in march. also we are heading up to orkney to stay with our wonderful friends the jones' and also we'll be seeing our other friends brian and whitney who live there too. both sets of friends are international - debbie jones is american and her husband andrew is kiwi. brian and whitney are both texan (a nationality in itself!).

the other thing we're getting ready for is our new kitchen! ooh - it's so exciting! on thursday my friend dan and i are ripping out the kitchen so that the builder, plumber and electrician can all come in while we are away. then ezra, our kitchen fitter friend, will fit the kitchen when we return. this means chaos for a couple of weeks and i need to organise for friends to have us round for tea a lot!

so that's us at the moment. how are you?

Monday, February 12

a big bee in bea's bonnet!

there's another blog i post on - it's called thethingaboutit and i put up the post about the petition. someone commented about it being a good move in light of a peaceful response to the oil situation. i commented back that it didn't seem so much about oil as about congestion itself. i re-read the comment and realised that it sounded like i wasn't acknowledging the car-tax as a response to climate change. so... i posted the following comment. it's pretty long and i thought to myself, "flip, i should just post that on my blog".

so here is my comment, for you as a post, because i value that you came to my blog to read what was going on in my little head!

"i've just re-read my comment and realised it sounds like i don't see the value of reducing cars in terms of climate change. i think responding to climate change is a very real and immediate need.

the impact of households making many small changes consistently would have afar greater effect on the carbon emissions of the country.

simple things like only boiling enough water in the kettle for the drinks you are making. using energy saving lightbulbs. unplugging phone chargers. not leaving computers , tv's, hifi's on standby, turning thermostat down by 1 degree (or even more and wearing a jumper). composting, recycling, shopping at charity shops, buying organic, using public transport or your feet which are free, not flying unnecessarily - how many poeple jetting off have explored every nook of this beautiful island we live on.

i don't do all the above, but bless my pharisee points score, i do a lot of them. and often i feel like i'm not making much difference and is there really any point, but if a domino effect takes place and the single drop turns into a puddle, which turns into a... ocean, then we would see big change.

we have enough oil to last 40 years more at our current rate of consumption and cars are not necessarily the greatest evil - but they are a very obvious one. if the plan passes through parilament then i suspect that there will be a certain laziness and complacency will kick in.

How about, the government used themoney set aside for this potential development and instead invested it in educating poeple and bringing about a nation of households who have made the little changes - surely those households would then make the bigger changes too, such as reducing car usage."

Wednesday, February 7

a proper petition for once!

If you drive a car, please read -
>>Sarah Kennedy was talking about this proposed car tax scheme on Radio 2.
>>Apparently there is only one month left to register your objection to the
>>'Pay As You Go' road tax.
>>The petition is on the 10 Downing St website but they didn't tell anybody
>>about it. Therefore at the time of Sarah's comments only 250,000 people
>>had signed it and 750,000 signatures are required for the government to
>>at least take any notice.
>>Once you've given your details (you don't have to give your full address,
>>just house number and postcode will do), they will send you an email with
>>a link in it. Once you click on that link, you'll have signed the
>>The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having
>>to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to
>>use it. The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by
>>the BBC, the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for
>>a delivery driver. A non working mother who used the car to take the kids
>>to school paid £86 in one month.
>>On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody will

>>know where you are at all times. They will also know how fast you have
>>been going, so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit in time
>>you can probably expect a Notice of Intended Prosecution with your monthly

>>If you are concerned about this Orwellian plan and want to stop the
>>constant bashing of the car driver, please sign the petition on No 10's
>>new website (link below) and pass this on to as many people as possible.
>>Sign up if you value your freedom and democratic rights -

Sunday, February 4

kids say the coolest things!

this morning i was telling robin that we are going on hliday at the end of february. i asked him if he remembered our holiday last year - this was the conversation:

bea: robin, we're going on holiday soon.

robin: oh, yes...

bea: do you remember where we went on holiday in the summer?

robin: oh, yes...

bea: where did we go?

robin: to see a star on the spaceship.

how cool is that!! i would love to live in his world sometimes and know how he thinks and what he thinks about. if i could transfer into his world i would first reset his body clock as the 5am wake ups are really starting to wear us down. they've been happening for nearly 3 weeks now i think.

generally good here - pond was frozen over this morning which i think is the first time this winter and the council have been gritting the roads. living in sheffield with all it's hills means the council come out to grip if there is even a slight hint that the temperature might hit freezing, but exciting none the less.

last night we saw 'casino royale' at the cinema. oh, it was sooo good. i know it's been out ages but it felt rally special going to the cinema ona saturday night and as i couldn't eat half the snacks available i managed to wolf down a regular pack of salt and vinegar pringles before the film even started!!

Monday, January 29

terminator 3

tee hee hee!

Thursday, January 25

eating bogies is nothing...

today i had to do something that was the most disgusting thing i have ever had to do. i cannot share the details on this blog because i do not think you are prepared for what happened. but trust me that it was beyond the imaginable!

moving on - i had agood business day. started really badly but then got better and was productive and i feel so much better about tyhe next step for my business. hooray! could still do with some lessons in admin organisation!

Friday, January 19


i am feeling so discouraged about my business that when i sit down to do stuff for it or make calls i feel like i am going to burst into tears - only today i rang a manufacturer for the third time to try and speak to this guy and that felt hard enough. then when his colleague said he had tried to phone me a few times i nearly burst into tears right there on the phone. i managed to hold it together and explain that i'm a busy mum of two small children and that if i don't answer he could leave a message but the whole experience really dragged me down.

i get so frutrated that i'm not naturally organised, i find planning really hard work and even when i have a plan i find it really hard to implement and i just feel like a tiny little plankton in a massive ocean when it comes to setting up this flipping business. everything seems to be moving so slowly and i am getting more and more demotivated and dragged down by it. i mean, how hard can it be to get a manufacturer to give me a quote for making a sample garment from my pattern and then being able to get some mums to test drive it? aaaarrrggh!!!!!

at least i am keeping going. not giving up. it's good to believe in something like i believe in my business idea. i just wish i had the skills i need to be the entrpreneur i need to be and not feel waves of tears welling up at the smallest thing.

there are two proverbs i am trying to hold onto - one about trusting in the Lord and not in my own understanding and also another about commiting your ways to the Lord and he makes your paths straight. i don't know the exact verses but i think i got the gist right.

Wednesday, January 17

this is sooooo gross!

last night i made a lush tea and while andy was whizzing up some pineapple and yogurt for pudding i cleared the boy's left-overs onto one plate. i then thought it was the perfect opportunity to pick my nose - both boys waiting for pudding with happy stomachs! so i picked out 3 bogies and put them on the plate of waste food.

so andy sits back down at the table and serves pudding and i'm feeding jos until i look up and andy is finishing off the food from the boy's plate, including the bogies disguised amongst the cous cous! i started laughing and decided it was only kind before he finished all the food to tell him about my nose picking excavations - the worse bit is that he looked at the last mouthful and weighed it up in his head and decided that it was worth eating the last moputhful cos tea was so nice and he'd probably already eaten the bogies anyway!!

this brings a whole new meaning to us 'becoming one flesh'!!!!

Friday, January 12

there's bad news, good news and then really good news!

today i got the invoice through for the car from the garage. it went in because the radiator was badly leaking and the engine kept overheating in a serious way. so i looked at the invoice and first thought was "flip, £416!". then i glanced over the work that had been done (i had also requested a service) and saw that all our front and back break pads and diskx were totally worn or corroded and had to be replaced. then i thought, "few, so glad thye radiator went, otherwise i'd still be driving an unsafe car".

so i rang andy and said, there's bad news, and there's good news and relayed the above.

then i got a call from hallam uni (i forgot to tell them i didn't plan to return to work so i've been liaiasing with a lovely guy called ben to sort it out) and ben told me that hallam were happy to honour the 9 days leave carried over (you're only meant to carry over 3) and that further leave entitlement left me with 26 days total. then he said the uni would prefer it if i handed in my resignation now and they'll pay me in lieu. my thought was "wow! God's timing and provision is amazing!" the money from hallam will more than cover the money for the garage and once again we've seen God's faithfulness to us with our finances.

and for any texans reading, i didn't even have to ask Him to sell some cattle, he must have done it anyway!!

Monday, January 8

you are very welcome!

i noticed some new dots on the map - i just wanted to say that whoever you are, you are very welcome on our blog - it would be great if you'd introduce yourselves on our comments. having said that, maybe none of you will come back after you su've seent he bland nature of our posts!!!

just a normal family doing normal stuff, thinking normal things... actually i'm not sure normal is a word many poeple would use to describe us, particularly me!!

Friday, January 5

not forgetting....

little jossy boo is now sleeping in his very own (well borrowed from helen) travel cot in our room, all by himself.
not to say he's been a naughty boy or anything, but the 3-5am playing and crying sessions were getting a bit much, and, well, we needed to try something - jos certainly is NOT the co-sleeper that Robin was - he must just need a bit more space.
anyway, its all gone very well, and the fears of hours of crying turned out only to be 10 mins on the first night, 2.5 the next, so well done jos, the boy done good!!

i have a new 'c' key!

hello everyone. i am so excited because i finally have a new 'c' kry! the last one came to a sudden end after robin dropped a bok on it, although we have been gently coersing it into working for us. dell did send us a new keyboard but it seemed a faff to change over and then we only remembered when robin was in his bed and the tool box i stored in his room!

tonight i am hosting a 'mystery host' Pampered Chef show where i will be giving away all the free stuff and all the half-price stuff that the host usually gets for herself. i'm making some little salmon thins and also some little choclate mini muffins too. should be fun!

life is plodding into 2007 fairly smoothly so far!

sorry such a boring post but i felt i needed to post something!

Wednesday, January 3

he he he....

"Hans Wagner shows off his gigantic rabbit, Herman, at his home in Berlin in february. Herman is almost 3ft tall and eats a bale of hay a week." Sunday Times Magazine