Monday, January 29

terminator 3

tee hee hee!

Thursday, January 25

eating bogies is nothing...

today i had to do something that was the most disgusting thing i have ever had to do. i cannot share the details on this blog because i do not think you are prepared for what happened. but trust me that it was beyond the imaginable!

moving on - i had agood business day. started really badly but then got better and was productive and i feel so much better about tyhe next step for my business. hooray! could still do with some lessons in admin organisation!

Friday, January 19


i am feeling so discouraged about my business that when i sit down to do stuff for it or make calls i feel like i am going to burst into tears - only today i rang a manufacturer for the third time to try and speak to this guy and that felt hard enough. then when his colleague said he had tried to phone me a few times i nearly burst into tears right there on the phone. i managed to hold it together and explain that i'm a busy mum of two small children and that if i don't answer he could leave a message but the whole experience really dragged me down.

i get so frutrated that i'm not naturally organised, i find planning really hard work and even when i have a plan i find it really hard to implement and i just feel like a tiny little plankton in a massive ocean when it comes to setting up this flipping business. everything seems to be moving so slowly and i am getting more and more demotivated and dragged down by it. i mean, how hard can it be to get a manufacturer to give me a quote for making a sample garment from my pattern and then being able to get some mums to test drive it? aaaarrrggh!!!!!

at least i am keeping going. not giving up. it's good to believe in something like i believe in my business idea. i just wish i had the skills i need to be the entrpreneur i need to be and not feel waves of tears welling up at the smallest thing.

there are two proverbs i am trying to hold onto - one about trusting in the Lord and not in my own understanding and also another about commiting your ways to the Lord and he makes your paths straight. i don't know the exact verses but i think i got the gist right.

Wednesday, January 17

this is sooooo gross!

last night i made a lush tea and while andy was whizzing up some pineapple and yogurt for pudding i cleared the boy's left-overs onto one plate. i then thought it was the perfect opportunity to pick my nose - both boys waiting for pudding with happy stomachs! so i picked out 3 bogies and put them on the plate of waste food.

so andy sits back down at the table and serves pudding and i'm feeding jos until i look up and andy is finishing off the food from the boy's plate, including the bogies disguised amongst the cous cous! i started laughing and decided it was only kind before he finished all the food to tell him about my nose picking excavations - the worse bit is that he looked at the last mouthful and weighed it up in his head and decided that it was worth eating the last moputhful cos tea was so nice and he'd probably already eaten the bogies anyway!!

this brings a whole new meaning to us 'becoming one flesh'!!!!

Friday, January 12

there's bad news, good news and then really good news!

today i got the invoice through for the car from the garage. it went in because the radiator was badly leaking and the engine kept overheating in a serious way. so i looked at the invoice and first thought was "flip, £416!". then i glanced over the work that had been done (i had also requested a service) and saw that all our front and back break pads and diskx were totally worn or corroded and had to be replaced. then i thought, "few, so glad thye radiator went, otherwise i'd still be driving an unsafe car".

so i rang andy and said, there's bad news, and there's good news and relayed the above.

then i got a call from hallam uni (i forgot to tell them i didn't plan to return to work so i've been liaiasing with a lovely guy called ben to sort it out) and ben told me that hallam were happy to honour the 9 days leave carried over (you're only meant to carry over 3) and that further leave entitlement left me with 26 days total. then he said the uni would prefer it if i handed in my resignation now and they'll pay me in lieu. my thought was "wow! God's timing and provision is amazing!" the money from hallam will more than cover the money for the garage and once again we've seen God's faithfulness to us with our finances.

and for any texans reading, i didn't even have to ask Him to sell some cattle, he must have done it anyway!!

Monday, January 8

you are very welcome!

i noticed some new dots on the map - i just wanted to say that whoever you are, you are very welcome on our blog - it would be great if you'd introduce yourselves on our comments. having said that, maybe none of you will come back after you su've seent he bland nature of our posts!!!

just a normal family doing normal stuff, thinking normal things... actually i'm not sure normal is a word many poeple would use to describe us, particularly me!!

Friday, January 5

not forgetting....

little jossy boo is now sleeping in his very own (well borrowed from helen) travel cot in our room, all by himself.
not to say he's been a naughty boy or anything, but the 3-5am playing and crying sessions were getting a bit much, and, well, we needed to try something - jos certainly is NOT the co-sleeper that Robin was - he must just need a bit more space.
anyway, its all gone very well, and the fears of hours of crying turned out only to be 10 mins on the first night, 2.5 the next, so well done jos, the boy done good!!

i have a new 'c' key!

hello everyone. i am so excited because i finally have a new 'c' kry! the last one came to a sudden end after robin dropped a bok on it, although we have been gently coersing it into working for us. dell did send us a new keyboard but it seemed a faff to change over and then we only remembered when robin was in his bed and the tool box i stored in his room!

tonight i am hosting a 'mystery host' Pampered Chef show where i will be giving away all the free stuff and all the half-price stuff that the host usually gets for herself. i'm making some little salmon thins and also some little choclate mini muffins too. should be fun!

life is plodding into 2007 fairly smoothly so far!

sorry such a boring post but i felt i needed to post something!

Wednesday, January 3

he he he....

"Hans Wagner shows off his gigantic rabbit, Herman, at his home in Berlin in february. Herman is almost 3ft tall and eats a bale of hay a week." Sunday Times Magazine