Thursday, July 31

ooo - may have got it sorted...
i'm sorry about the screwed up blog names - i cant fix them - dont know why its stretching the words out and getting them unsynced up - doing my head in. anyway, happy birthday to shannon!!

Wednesday, July 30

very exciting news indeed!! bea has got the job at hallam uni as the disability support worker co-ordinator - no doubt more setails to follow...

Sunday, July 27

whale rider - very good film

the hulk - suprisingly good film

both recommended viewing

Friday, July 25

i have decided that one of the most satisfying things to do after having an exciting, swift moving poo expulsion, is to clean out your ears with a cotton bud/Q tip. i only noticed this today - the poo thing i have known for a long time and as many of you know, i am very proud of my poos - i think we all should be.

God is good - yesterday i understood oswald chambers for the first time ever. i didn't understand the bible translation he used but i understood most of what he had to say and boy was it challenging and inspirational. We also saw some wonderful provision yesterday and He is really starting to provide in terms of wabiSABI accommodation too.

i am still struggling with my lack of taskorientation but i'll get there.

it is raining and andy and i were hoping to go camping tonight but at this rate we'll be hard pushed to get out the front door!

Thursday, July 24

other news today - i've been into town and spent a while at the careersa place on division street and it would appear, my top jobs, most suited to me in terms of what i enjoy and what i'm good at are as follows (in order):

1. studio assistant

2. technica/ scientific illustrator

3. type setter

4. design studio assistant

5. data input operator

6. metal engraver

7. word processor operator

8. theatre/ television designer

9. animator

10. website designer

11. film/ video tape editor

so there you have it - not sure what to dfo about my new career paths, but they sound a lot more realistic than ChilliSauce Forums and playing for Man Utd (see july 17th below...)

going on sale soon - 2 home grown cats - its seems amazing lillies arent the only thing our garden is good at growing - a potted black cat and a more free growing tabby cat are both coming along nicely in our back yard - so take a look and tell me what you think. prices yet to be confirmed...

only joking - they're not our cats to sell. the lillies are ours though - but we're not selling them either.

lots of pics from pink helen's party on tuesday night here, including quite a few odd ones of dan c...
off to town again - really hope it doesnt rain!

Tuesday, July 22

thought i'd go back and do some archiving/ updating old photos onto the web - first lot to go up were a load of photos from clan gathering in '99 - that week was probably one of the best times in my life - closer to God than ever before since in many ways - the mountain top - just a glimpse of what its like.

maybe the next photos to go up will be prague '02, or some highlights of the old lydgate lane parties and other events from the "wacky" days

Sunday, July 20

heres something a little shocking i found:

Which are the most popular Walkers snacks?

Here are Walkers top ten snacks:-

1) Walkers Cheese & Onion flavour Crisps

2) Walkers Ready Salted flavour Crisps

3) Walkers Salt & Vinegar flavour Crisps

4) Walkers Cheese Quavers

5) Walkers Prawn Cocktail flavour Crisps

i mean - who eats chees and onion crisps? who are you? why have i never seen any of you? everytime there a big multipack bag of crisps, its always the salt & vinegar to go first, and there are always cheese & onion ones left over, that no one wants. please explain.

my other question, is what happened to the little bags of dorritos dippas they used to have out - the hint of lime ones - sooooo yummy. and now no more.... soooo sad.

another pic i thought was a little interesting to see - this was me back in 1999 with my then housemate laurence, looking amusingly like a famous musical duo...

shows you what my hair could be like in a few more months.

Thursday, July 17

cool - i'm sure people have done this before, but typing names into google (in " ") brings up all the people with the same name - obviously people with a slightly unusual name get more direct hits (bea appearing in a whole list of blogs (and some other things too...)), but seeing all the non related ones - my brother, Owen Marshall, working in Reading doing a graduate training scheme for HMV (last i heard!) for example also has a few interesting credits to his name:

Movies: Owen Marshall: Counselor at Law

Owen Marshall wins Montana NZ Book Awards fiction ...

Owen Marshall. ... Soon she has to consult with Owen Marshall because former member of her band, Boyd Davies, said she'd stolen the song from him. ...

Award-winning writer Owen Marshall is the ...

... MARSHALL, Owen. Often labelled a realist writer, Marshall prefers to think of himself as an impressionist. ... Owen Marshall

Sloan3D: Brin-L Picture Gallery: Owen Marshall:

... Owen Marshall Awarded Creative New Zealand Writers' Fellowship. Media

a few other highlights:

Ben Cooper
Best known perhaps for his role in "The Rose Tattoo," Ben Cooper made many terrific
westerns, including "Johnny Guitar," "The Last Command," "Outlaw's Son ...

Landscape Painting by Dan Cooper

The award winning landscape painting of Dan Cooper. Landscapes of
California, Canada and France. Landscape Painting by Dan Cooper. ...
Description: Landscapes of California, Canada and France.

Category: Shopping > Visual Arts > Painting > Artists - 2k - 16 Jul 2003 - Cached - Similar pages

ChilliSauce Forums - Andy Marshall from Man Utd

ChilliSauce Forums - Andy Marshall from Man Utd ,Goalkeepers ,Simon Tracey , Defenders
,Keith Curle ,Ben Doane ,Davy Gijsbrechts ,John Hayden ,Robert Kozluk ... showthread.php?threadid=467&goto=newpost - 21k - Cached - Similar pages

erika hughes at canyonwood arabians

Erika Hughes at Canyonwood Arabians. Our aspirations are are our possibilities
- Sameul Jackson. ... Erika Hughes at Canyonwood Arabians. ... - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

Rachel Hall's math and music page

... Here is an article written by myself (Rachel Hall) and Kresimir Josic (Boston University)
containing some applications of mathematics to the construction and ... - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

you see what we could all be doing out there - the possibilities are as wierd as they are endless...

Wednesday, July 16

flippin heck - just been to see identity - ok, so the air conditioning was on the blink, but i've not been so impressed by a films story telling and the plot of the film itself in a long time - think seven or momento in terms of sheer cleverness of plot - it's an amazing film. it also completely freaked us out - if you've got the head for such psychological thrillers, go and see it - its just got such a clever twist(s) in it.

but you have been warned...

Tuesday, July 15

and final news today, sheffield was enjoying the hottest day of the year (again) with people turning out at the peace gardens to paddle around in the fountains. and what a sunny day it was. has erika brougt the texan weather with her?

Monday, July 14

have recently discovered i can work on the computer and watch films at the same time - hence the new entries of lord of the rings, l.a. confidential and (currently) gladiator - listening to the director/ cast commentaries where possible - some dead interesting stuff.

who said blokes cant multi-task?!...
just remembered something that Dan Austin said to me a while back after his trip to taize:

God is deeper in you than you are in yourself

now that is radikool!!

Saturday, July 12

the photos page is now running, or at least should be - some better photos of last nights party, and some from dans birthday last weekend.

read more on ants blog or the thing about it , or maybe back here in a day or two... not sure how viv managed to avoid a photo...

note the jose cuervo tequilla ... mmmm... yummy...

and that (to a small extent was vivs party.

you see what happens abigail when you try and avoid a photo? you see what happens abigail? you see what happens?!! (the big lebowski)

Friday, July 11

and a lilly cam, taken out of our study window (complete with slightly grain texture for that "authentic" web broadcast finish. so far 4 heads are out in bloom.

other news, our blog has (hopefully obviously) undergone its little facelift. gone are the fancy little rollover images down the left hand side and the (apparently) hard to read names, and in are the new pages on the left (at the top). if the links arent working please email me, but i thnk they are... included are a few mini essays that i wrote and a little taster of the album artwork (assuming it ever gets released, assuming we ever have enough money to do it!!). and just to say, there will be more photos to go up, but for now, have a go with the tortillas. maybe one day i'll put up a salsa recipe.


and yes, erika is arriving in sheffield in the new week. are you ready? i doubt it!

tonight is our party to welcome viv the amazing into our home! she's been here a couple of weeks already but a party is always good! i'm hoping that loads of people will come and be community and stuff. summer parties always seem few and far between so maybe people will take advantage of our revelling!

i'm applying for a job-share position at Hallam Uni. it's a post for support workers coordinator. i'd be working with my friends naomi who has already been given the other half of the job share position. please pray that i only get the job if it's right for me by God's plan. i'm fed up of the judgment i feel is put upon me about the fact that my life isn't "normal" so whilst i stand firm on the truth can you please pray for me!

erika arrives on monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the might EJ with her guitar and beauty. ooh i love that girl!

loads of lillies are out now!!

Wednesday, July 9

found an interesting site on the web today - relevant magazine - its one of those magazine pages about God, spirituality, culture, christianity etc etc - it looks unbelievably trendy (as they tend to), but worth a look (if you dont mind the slow loading, any other modem users out there!).

oh - some might consider it a bit late, but beas british sign language exam is today, so please pray for - peace, clarity, protection - the usual stuff - lots of it her way... lots.

our first lily has today bloomed - we're very impressed with it.

and say goodbye to the current page as you see it - its taking far too long to download and so sometime in the next day or two it's gonna be streamlined, sped up, cut back, pruned etc. this does however mean there'll be more useless junk for you to look at on it instead. all stuff to look out for...

its kinda like a journey for you lot watching me learn how to use dreamweaver and fireworks - have just discovered animations this morning...

Tuesday, July 8

this tuesday, bea started her day with isla by putting pink streaks in her hair, and heres the results...

and just to clear up the saturdays events - the devonshire cat was amazing (despite the poor service) - cant believe 5 hours went by so quickly, and was just so good to see everyone who was there. the evening was as surreal as i thought it might be - the making of the video... has to be seen to be believed...

well, is it monday or tuesday - it isd late very late on one or very early on another. whichever it is, this is just a reminder that there is a wabiSABI prayer meeting at liz and john's house at 7pm on tuesday 8th. i think this will be this evening when you are reading this.

i am very obviously not a gifted administrator - many apologies to those for who this is infuriating!! ha ha, i am an apostle and proud of it!

also, the 26th jully party is likely to be at a pub now unless someone wants to host it. we're thinking the pub near Gee's house which is called the raging bull or something similar.

Monday, July 7

hi all.

an announcement - there's a party going on this friday, the 11th to welcome viv, our new housemate to our house. so come along, 8pm bring friends etc etc.

theres also the plan to have a simliar gathering on the 26th of july, a leaving party, if you will, for bea stepping down/ aside/ back/ away/ forward/ etc from sofa leadership.

preferably, could this be at someone elses house - email me if you fancy holding a party, but not to worry if no one can - ours is still an option.

been to see lots more films again...

an old quiz, but one thats still doing the rounds - pretty happy with my national identity i'd say. low gun crime...

Canada -
Although originally a simple British colony, it has
flourished into a Mid-Level power. Admired
worldwide for its culture, acceptance and
quality of living standards.


Loved By All.

Mid-Level Power.

Renouned Despite Proximity to Superpower.

Damn Good Maple Syrup, Inuit.


Often Ignored.


Monarch-Democractic Struggles.


Which Country of the World are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sunday, July 6

ahhh yes - just an initial taster of what the days drinking was like.

to be honest the bar staff were completely inept and managed to get the service pretty much wrong everytime except (in an "i'm pissed off, if the black eyeliner and goth clothing didnt make it it obvious" kinda way) when we ordered erdinger in which case their usual guess of an erdinger glass was a lucky guess.... the pic shows the fruit of their pretty random choices - each time i (or we?) went to try someone else's beer, i would look at the glass to see what it is, then realising that for today, the writing on the glass had no resemblance to what was in it - normally the dev cat are really good, but for today, oh dear... not good...

charlottes hair looked amazing... perhaps more photos tomorrow...
just found out ruth williams is online and on msn messenger...

Saturday, July 5

ben cooper has let me in on a VERY important web page. go to google and type in "weapons of mass destruction" (including the " " marks). then click on 'i'm feeling lucky' rather than the regular button. this takes you to the exact page.

one more thing: party on friday night (11th?) to celebrate viv the amazing living with us for a month before she moves to Germany. Bring friends and a bottle - any excuse for a good party!!

for cathers and any other eddie izzard fans out there

Friday, July 4

and it would seem i'm pretty much the same:

Economic Left/Right: -3.00
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -4.00

ie economically left wing (heading towards communism!), and socially libertarian (or anarchistic)

like bea said, similar to the dalai lama and ghandi

kinda surprised me a little - i thought i was getting a bit right wing in my old age...

a couple more small changes to the blog - new pics for cathers and rich (found an easy way of doing it now, so those of you who dont like their, pic have no reason not to send in their own), and links to wabisabi both up there, and over to the left.

This won't mean much to many of you, except maybe ant and caroline. basically, i'm very similar to Ghandi, The Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela. The scores are on a scale of -10 - +10.

Economic Left/Right: -4.25

Authoritarian/Libertarian: -3.23

To check yourself out go to the political compass site and the click on take the test.

Thursday, July 3

hi there! all is miserable on the marshall front but i have a sneaky feeling it's to do with the weather as our moods lift as soon as there is a hint of sunshine through the clouds. on tuesday we are going to look round a potential premises. it's not new and spanking like the other one (which we're still waiting on) and it would need a lot of work. however, we felt like God was asking us to push doors when we got prayed for on Sunday night.

wabiSABI is upon us and the image below will take you to the website. andy is also going to link it from the list to the left of our blog. if you haven't received an email from me regarding wabiSABi sheffield it means you've not made it onto the email list. can you email me if this is the case and i'll get you on asap (obviously only if you want to be on!)

there seems to have been some miscommunication on my part - the post in bold a few below about breathing in God is a quote from a friend of ours called Richard who blogs at mylifemypercetion - he is the brains behind the incredible words that come out of his mouth. he is challenging us and inspiring us all in really refreshing ways.

Wednesday, July 2

ruth deller
You are: Ruth Deller. A slightly random,
independent, prophetic type who is softer than
they first appear.

Which St Tom's member of staff are you turning into?
brought to you by Quizilla

well its good to know i've not changed much...

this has more gone up seeing as ruth has updated it with several new people to become (and "extra paddy power"!) - i guess its now more "which member of st toms payroll are you becoming", but still an excellent quiz - i'd especially like to hear what our texan counterparts came out as - email me .

Tuesday, July 1

a bonus pic that bea wanted to put up to embaress our dear friend stacy - last summer she let bea cut her hair, which she convinced her to start by letting her cut the mullet.

anyway, enjoy, and stacy, sorry - it was all bea's idea/ request.

we've met these two people - not sure what their names are but they're very pleasant all the same - had "make you're own pizzas", wine etc and then enjoyed the very first episode of "the mysterious cities of gold".

only joking - we did know these people before hand - we actually met them at our local a couple of times for the wednesday night pub quiz, having recognised them from church and they were thoroughly invited along to it all this evening. the picture is (kind of) them watching the previously mentioned cult classic childs program. the memories...