Thursday, July 3

hi there! all is miserable on the marshall front but i have a sneaky feeling it's to do with the weather as our moods lift as soon as there is a hint of sunshine through the clouds. on tuesday we are going to look round a potential premises. it's not new and spanking like the other one (which we're still waiting on) and it would need a lot of work. however, we felt like God was asking us to push doors when we got prayed for on Sunday night.

wabiSABI is upon us and the image below will take you to the website. andy is also going to link it from the list to the left of our blog. if you haven't received an email from me regarding wabiSABi sheffield it means you've not made it onto the email list. can you email me if this is the case and i'll get you on asap (obviously only if you want to be on!)

there seems to have been some miscommunication on my part - the post in bold a few below about breathing in God is a quote from a friend of ours called Richard who blogs at mylifemypercetion - he is the brains behind the incredible words that come out of his mouth. he is challenging us and inspiring us all in really refreshing ways.

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