Saturday, January 31

ryan adams

got love is hell part 2 by ryan adams this morning. sounds good on 1st listen, but not quite heartbreaker standard. expecting part 1 any day now

also got the new rosie thomas album yesterday - again - not quite as endearing as her first one, but good none the less.

off to meadowhall today, and then another 5 till close shift at the cat tonight.

have been finding several people like to buy you drinks - one merry old chap with a pipe brought me a pint of beer, a girl bought me a tequila, and a cool looking scottish lad bought me a pint of saxon cider - they're all very lovely... support your bar staff and buy them drinks people!

am getting on well there - the people i work with are all easy to get along with (albeit a bit much news of the world readers, a few of them!), and not a great deal of bitching about each other either.

things getting me down at the moment though:

- my employability/ ment situation (being practically the oldest person working at the pub - the manager himself is only 24! plus the process of finding new jobs seems unbelievably depressing and difficult)

- plus i'm back at hallam uni, notetaking - and it seems i have lots of sciency ones - not good when i'm trying to forget those 3 years of pharmacology. but then notetaking itself is pretty bad - coming up to 5 yerars - no one should be in the same job for 5 years.

- my teeth - the cyst that was removed may come back apparently, and it does now feel like it used to, so thats not good.

- something else i cant remember now - obviously not too much of a problem....

but it was good to see emily again/ for bea to meet emily - had a lovely evening on the tuesday (see how little i have blogged recently). she's now in France, but back in a week or so.

none of you know her (apart from emily herself who may well be reading this), but may meet her one day too.

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