Tuesday, March 30

wicked. ayeeit!

found this awesome website (actually mentioned in todays metro) called www.chavscum.co.uk, a site dedicated wholly to "britains burgeoning peasant underclass".

amongst many other things on there is a townie baby name generator. the better ones being, phoebe mercedes, sapphire chardonnay or charmaine daniella marshall for a girl and kyle dean or jake dean marshall for a boy, based on mine and bea's names.

theres also a helpful guide to spotting townies with a section on "chav attire", chav culture (including music points), celebrity chavs, a discussion forum, a shop and a chav of the month competition. the section of chav culture i found so funny i've had to stop reading it as i was supposed to be in a quiet study computer room and the laughing/ hyperventilating/ falling on the floor could be considered inappropriate.

truely a special website.

a few more amusing ones: RaChIe'Z wEbSiTe, banbury massive, goldie lookin' chain

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