Tuesday, November 23

wax on, wax off...

hooray! aftrer lamenting to my friend zoe that my waxer, sam, had left the salon i go to and they wouldn't give me her details, i got a phonecall from her just now! yipee - she is now based at fitness first on penistone road.

robin was crazy with his feeding last night - every hour. people keep suggesting weaning so i'm hatching a plan - for every suggestion to start weaning i will postpone it one week. that will shut the buggers up!!! anyway - recommendation from WHO and health professionals in this country is 6 months so why i should need to be doing it at 4 months is beyond me!

the nct girls are out on the lash again!! sheffield watch out on 11 december - we are painting the town red and we don't have to pay deposits or fixed menu prices!! yipee!!

cool beans.

andrew jones stayed with us last night as he's in town for a conference today. good to catch up and alsdo get a brochure for orkney from him. looks like we'll be showing our faces up there in the new year.

also - i did the most phenomenal poo today. so incredible that i will not even put the dimensions of my creation up here as you would probably shrink away under a great cloud of inferiority...

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