Wednesday, March 9

yesterday i liked the word 'zany' but couldn't find any conversation where i could slip it in...

cathers and i have invented a new phrase to use if you see a pattern emerging in something. the phrase is 'handing on the rubber baton'. can't think of a good example in which to use it but if you hang out with me and cathers more then you will no doubt hear us using it frequently.

robin is poorly with a nasty cough and cold but at least he can still squeeze out the odd smile which says to me that he just needs cuddles and close time but nothing else.

last night i went to lynn's house. lynn is one of my new mum friends from the group in walkley. she had invited a few of us round and we had wine and great nibbles. i ended up drinking about 4 or 5 glasses of red - lynn just kept on topping me up so i'm not sure exactly how many! it was lush to see these mum's in a different setting and so conversations moved on from babies to other things which was great.

mum came up at half term and transformed our kitchen. everyone who sees it can't believe it's the same room. andy and i are working hard not to de-clutter it again and we are also doing well at washing up, having given up the dishwasher for lent.

yesterday i downloaded a dancer from the nike site who dose some booty-shakin' in the bottom right of my screen. she's becoming a bit irritating so i might delete her - very sad cos in lots of ways she's quite cool, but she only dances for a few seconds and the music is dreadful!

by the way, i do think about blogging a lot and there are many posts written in my head but time is so sparse!

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