Friday, August 12

happy birthday andy!

today andy is 28 years old - hooray!!

happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear andy,
happy birthday to you

sorry this post is going up so late in the day but it will be perfect for our american friends who are just getting going after a late morning coffee.

also, today we were going to get our van back but paul (the guy who's doing it up)had to shut up shop because his partner went into labour. please pray that her delivery goes smoothly. it seems that more births have comlications and intervention than not which is really sad. interestingly, if i had been in hospital, it is likely that i would have had intervention. maybe even a c-section because they probably wouldn't have let me push for so long.

i am shattered at the moment. robin is doing much better but he is feeding non-stop at night and i am finding it really disruptive. i have decied, against all my hopes and dreams, to get him off night-time boob. andy and i are going to get a plan together once i'm out of 1st trimester exhaustion. having talked to debbie jones about weaning it sounds like you have a few really difficult nights to push through before you come out the other side.

i hope everyone else is well and sparkly.

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