Sunday, December 31

happy new year!!

in engalnd we ahve 6 minutes to go until we enter te splenidid year of 2007. we are listeninINXS and i am a littlw tiddly. we are watichign a lock that is acccurateb to 1 secnd with every 290 years. i am pissed which is unsusual and causing many speling mistakes.

earlkier tis year jen sentmea text to wish me a happy 2007 from the beginning od next year. we have al dicisded tat it feels better to be moving into 2008 but alas wea are oving into 2008. i feel i9 sould apoliogise to andrew jone for y drunkeness. i don't know why. carla sufggests we should move towards morw fun in 2008 but i don't thinki have more fun whe i'm drunk - instead i just spell more badly!!
rach aims for more pointy bits and andy is [utrting 'a blast from the past' on the stearoe. rbital?!! orbital when i conscentrate. carla is taking a thigh as a pillow and rach is trying not to fart.

barnaby has just had the same text from 2 very un-related people. it reads like this - always remenber - lofe is short - forgive quickly, quiss quickly, love truly, love truly and benevre forget new year's eve (please note my keypad is having trouble with the c key.)

rah says we are all saddos with our mobiles.

maybe this is the most realistic expression of a new year's blog ever.

andy ad carla are reflecctung on the orbital live track.



Anonymous said...

Me pissed as well. A vintage new year!!!

Anonymous said...

he he, good blog bea! isn't the map thing cool? please note instead of my dot appearing almost at the bottom of the south island it appears in auckland, most of the way up the north island. how silly.
love you xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Bea. I am totaly jealous of just how pissed you were on new year!!!! i went to bed at about 10.45....phil woke me up with a new year kiss. its Kate by the way!!! any road up, see you at my house later lady. lorra love, kate x.x.x.x.

Anonymous said...

it always surprises me what bea's like whilst thoroughly under the influence, maybe as it only happens quite rarely, and i'm normally too drunk myself to really appreciate it - its blogs like these that let me know!
hi kate!