Monday, February 11

the sun is shining, as is the Son.

oh the sun will come out tomorrow i have been singing to josiah and now the sun is out and it is beautiful and my windows are flung open and my spirit is soaring and the Spirit who dewlls within me is up to tricks and i feel a season of healing and freedom upon me. i am reminded a lot in recent conversations of one of my favourite quotes by the dalai lama, "one must know the rules in order to break them properly" or something along those lines. i think i am stepping into a time of embracing my sensible eccentricity as someone recently described me. i think sensible is not quite right but we will see. i am wearing creative clothes again, i am sewing, the other day i was inspired to make a birthday card and a birthday gift - i have not had the creative energy to make cards for soooo long. and the garden has received the touch of my hands in the last week or two and will no longer be neglected as it was last year. and i shared communion with my dear friend juliet this morning - a wonderful feast of pancakes and mashed banana, greek yogurt, chopped hazelnuts and maple syrup. perhaps i am going to start falling in love with myself - about bloody time.

so back to sorting and cleaning and making the way straight.

shine on me so i reflect Your glory,
live in me so people see Your beauty,
and pour on me so out of me flow streams of Living Water.
(gareth robinson)

bring on the full and intense light of the sun and the Son.

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