Monday, March 10

oh my word - just been looking at other blogs and went to abigails who then linked to andrew jones' and there was this picture on it:

sorry to nick it andrew, but its awesome.
anyway, if you lot want to see someone whos seriously into their blogging, check out his site

had a blast from the past yesterday - last night, somehow si wilkins and i remembered the cranberries, their first 2 albums particulalrly, so i went home after our local (bea actually told the landlord that the florist is now our local and "ish the besht bub in walkley" so its now official) and put their first album on - shivvers down my spine, nostalgia, memories etc. and the actual cd itself has a really nice feel to it. took me back to sixth form days completely.

and whilst on musical reminisence (sp?) when bea and i were round our neighbours on saturday night, i found they had that classic, the prodigy experience.

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