Thursday, March 6

something always bothers me when people read the bible and skip through all the names that are listed in genealogies and such. shannon has written an amazing blog today about lots of people - a list of them and it reminded me of those lists in the bible that i have even known vicars/pastors to skim over when reading, but here's the thing: GOD MEANT FOR EVERY ONE OF THOSE NAMES TO MAKE IT INTO HIS WORD AND EACH ONE IS CRUCIAL TO OUR FAITH OR ELSE HE WOULDN'T HAVE BOTHERED. maybe at SOFA tonight i am going to read one of those lists out - a nice long one and we will thank God for each of those people because they are no less special or vastly important to God as you or me.

i haven't ranted for ages - that was great!

spoke to my dad last night and he is just the most amazing man. i ooze love for him and our relationship just keeps growing. bring it on!

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