Monday, April 7

a few more photos before we leave texas. ted (josh and roy) playing in a coffee shop in downtown houston:

and a baseball game we went to on saturday night with the above people and others:

and just to say that, the views held by some on this site, are not neccesarily those held by others on this blog. for example, the below "poop for peace" picture and link at the side is something bea found and (i'm assuming) supports as a viewpoint.

on the other hand i am not anti-war, and hold a stance more similar to matt p, neill, and i'm sure a lot more people who aren't antiwar but also know that its a politically incorrect/ untrendy stand point to have and so dont want to say a lot. i also get very annoyed with the attitude that assumes the rest of the country is completely anti-war too.

and just to say, i had this viewpoint before i went to texas before anyone is thinking that i'm coming home a born-again republican!!


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